A lawsuit filed in Manhattan Supreme Court alleges that a hop-on hop-off sightseeing company called Top View has been engaging in harassment, intimidation, and violence against a rival double-decker tour bus company in Times Square. The plaintiff, Lister Oluwabamise Jegede, owner of Aurora Tourism Services, claimed that Top View has gone to extreme lengths to prevent competitors from making money, including physically attacking workers and causing disruptions to their operations. The harassment reportedly included blowing smoke in tourists’ faces, using megaphones to harass customers, and blocking buses from picking up passengers.
The conflict between Aurora Tourism Services and Top View began when Aurora started operating double-decker buses in Times Square in the fall of 2022. While other companies also offer similar services and share bus stops in the area, only Top View allegedly engaged in tactics to push competitors out of business. Jegede described how he was welcomed to the neighborhood by a man who expressed his intention to demolish Aurora’s business and ensure it did not survive. According to Jegede, this initial threat escalated into a team dedicated to creating obstacles for Aurora’s operations.
The lawsuit detailed numerous incidents of harassment and physical aggression committed by Top View workers against Aurora employees. Allegations included workers blocking buses, smoking cannabis in front of customers, encouraging tourists to ride on Top View buses instead of Aurora’s, and physically assaulting Aurora employees. The escalation of the dispute led to violent confrontations, with one instance resulting in an Aurora worker being sent to the hospital and another involving the assault of Jegede’s son in broad daylight. Many of Jegede’s employees have refused to return to work in Times Square due to the ongoing harassment.
Aurora’s lawyer, Brandon Walters, condemned the actions of Top View as aggressive and illegal, stating that businesses must operate within the bounds of the law. He emphasized that Aurora refuses to be bullied out of business by unlawful interference and is committed to ensuring that tour operators can conduct their business without harassment. Despite efforts to contact Top View for comment, there was no response from the bus company or its legal representation. The lawsuit highlights the challenges faced by businesses operating in competitive environments like Times Square and the impact of aggressive tactics on the livelihoods of workers and entrepreneurs.