April was a challenging time astrologically, but now that the sun is in Taurus, it’s a period of stability and possessiveness mixed with gratification and wealth. Taurus is ruled by Venus and is a sign of indulgence. It can be seen as a Gollum-esque figure or a blissful being living in the moment. The advice is to lean into what feels good without guilt.
May brings changes as Mars moves into Aries, Pluto goes retrograde in Aquarius, and other planets shift signs. A new moon in Taurus and Mercury moving to Taurus indicate a time for tangible inspiration. Jupiter in Gemini encourages clear communication to reap rewards. The month’s forecast suggests focusing on growth, speaking your desires, and seeking what you need.
Aries is encouraged to embrace change and explore new experiences, while Taurus will be experiencing shifts in their 12th house. Geminis are advised to embrace healing and accept their limitations. Cancer is prompted to seek supportive relationships, and Leos are encouraged to focus on building their dreams. Virgos are challenged to step out of comfort zones and explore limitless possibilities.
Libras are urged to delve into intimate relationships and how they give and receive. Scorpios are reminded to engage with others rather than pushing them away. Sagittarius should focus on self-care, while Capricorns are encouraged to indulge their pleasures. Aquarius will undergo self-examination during Pluto’s retrograde, and Pisces should share their creativity and ideas with others.
Astrologer Reda Wigle provides horoscopes that combine planetary alignments with history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experiences. She encourages readers to embrace the changes and challenges brought on by the shifting astrological energies, guiding each sign in navigating the month ahead. Astrology can provide insight and guidance into the energies at play during a particular period, helping individuals make the most of the opportunities and challenges that arise.