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Indonesia has proposed to reduce its share of payments for a joint fighter jet development project with South Korea to about one-third of the originally agreed amount, according to a report from South Korean news agency Yonhap. The country suggested paying around 600 billion won ($442.47 million) for the KF-21 joint fighter jet project, significantly lower than the initial amount of 1.6 trillion won by June 2026. The governments of both countries are currently engaged in final negotiations to address cost-sharing issues.

South Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration stated that discussions are ongoing to successfully complete the development of the KF-21 system, with Indonesia’s defense ministry yet to comment on the matter. The KF-21 fighter jet, developed by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), is a joint project with Indonesia and is intended to provide a more affordable and less stealthy alternative to the U.S.-built F-35, which South Korea currently uses. Indonesia mentioned that it would receive fewer technology transfers from South Korea as a result of its reduced financial contribution.

In 2022, South Korea and Indonesia resolved a funding dispute over the joint fighter jet project, which is valued at over 8 trillion won, after Indonesia had suspended payment of its 20% share of the development costs. However, in March, South Korean police raided KAI’s head office in connection with two Indonesian nationals accused of leaking technology related to the KF-21 fighter jet project. This incident may have influenced Indonesia’s decision to reduce its financial commitment to the project. Both countries continue to work towards a resolution in light of these developments.

The KF-21 joint fighter jet project is a significant collaboration between South Korea and Indonesia, with the aim of developing a capable and cost-effective alternative to existing fighter jet options. The initiative is seen as crucial for both countries’ defense capabilities and technological advancements in the field of military aviation. The reduction in Indonesia’s financial contribution may impact the progress and success of the project, prompting the need for renegotiation and compromise between the two governments.

The current negotiations between South Korea and Indonesia highlight the importance of clear and equitable cost-sharing agreements in joint defense projects. As both countries navigate the complexities of developing advanced military technologies, ensuring fair distribution of financial responsibilities is essential for the long-term success and sustainability of such collaborations. The joint development of the KF-21 fighter jet serves as a test case for future defense partnerships and underscores the need for transparent communication and cooperation among all parties involved.

Moving forward, it is crucial for South Korea and Indonesia to address the challenges related to cost-sharing and technology transfer in the joint fighter jet project. By finding a mutually acceptable solution, both countries can uphold their commitment to enhancing defense capabilities while fostering strong bilateral ties. The resolution of financial and technological issues in the KF-21 project will set a precedent for future collaborations in the defense industry and pave the way for continued innovation and cooperation in military aviation technology.

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