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Most popular letter: E, and it is closely followed by A and I.

Beginners’ best words: TRAIN, TRAIL, and maybe COUCH or CHAIR.

Latest addiction: Connections, which can be more challenging than Wordle, where you group 16 words into related categories.

Other games: Spelling Bee and Strands, which is still in beta.

Your idea of the most popular words might not have changed from mine-TRAIN and TRAIL-risks our streaks but getting a fast ERUPT in first helps.

Realizing this all begs more questions such as if you’d gone with the financial term ROATE as your starter word.

Would SUBMIT have drawn out the answer quicker?

How long could YOUR winning streak survive and would you have had a different streak in the time WE’VE enjoyed this game?

Knowing the approach to the game from players’ unique perspectives only adds to the allure of the game and peaks curiosity about how others approach the challenge.

With a multitude of possible starter words to choose from, and the endless array of scenarios that could play out, the strategies available can impact the outcome, making this game a surefire way to challenge your perceptions!

After all, shouldn’t the ultimate goal of any game be to push the boundaries, test your wit, and of course, to have fun?!

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