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If you’re looking for hints, clues, and answers to the Sunday Wordle, you’ve come to the right place. The author reflects on how time seems to move faster as they age and shares a personal anecdote about their upcoming birthday. Despite being sick, they have been binge-watching movies and TV shows, catching up on what they have missed. Moving on to the Wordle for the day, the hint is a type of futuristic gun, and the clue is that there are fewer vowels than consonants in the answer.

The answer to today’s Wordle is revealed to be “laser.” The author shares their thought process in coming up with this word and their success in beating the Wordle Bot. Competitive Wordle scoring is explained, with different points awarded based on the number of guesses it takes to solve the Wordle and whether or not the player beats their opponent. The etymology of the word “laser” is also explored, breaking down its acronym and how it relates to the process of generating coherent light.

The history of the laser is briefly discussed, highlighting the role of Albert Einstein in proposing the concept of stimulated emission and Theodore Maiman in constructing the first laser in 1960. The term “laser” was coined to describe the process of generating this type of light. The author encourages readers to check out their blog for daily Wordle and Strands guides, as well as other content on TV shows, streaming guides, movie reviews, and video game coverage.

In summary, the author provides hints, clues, and answers to the Sunday Wordle, sharing personal anecdotes, solving strategies, competitive scoring rules, as well as the etymology and history of the word “laser.” They invite readers to visit their blog for more content on various topics, providing a diverse range of entertainment and informational resources. The Wordle Bot is used to check Wordle submissions, giving players an opportunity to compete and compare their scores.

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