Haiti’s National Palace is surrounded by gangs, with daily gunfire and violence causing chaos. Despite this, a transitional council is set to hold a ceremony for selecting a new prime minister and Cabinet at the palace. The push to have the ceremony at the palace is seen as a symbolic move to show that the government is still in control despite the violent situation. Gang violence in Haiti has led to over 2,500 deaths and injuries in the first three months of the year, making tight security measures crucial for the upcoming ceremony.
María Isabel Salvador, the U.N. special envoy for Haiti, emphasized the need for immediate security assistance to help Haiti address the escalating violence. Gangs now control 80% of Port-au-Prince, launching coordinated attacks that have paralyzed the capital. The ongoing violence has resulted in burnt police stations, hospitals, and released thousands of inmates from prisons. Despite the dire circumstances, residents like Renoir Auxil believe that moving forward is essential, and the transitional council must be sworn in to guide the country through this crisis.
The transitional council consists of nine members, seven with voting powers, representing various political parties and civil society groups. As preparations for the council’s installation progress, sporadic gunfire continues near the National Palace, disrupting the lives of residents living in makeshift shelters in the area. The lack of security has raised concerns about holding the ceremony at the palace, with regional officials urging the council members to choose a safer venue. Many, like Marie-André Blain, express doubts about the safety of holding the ceremony at the palace, highlighting the underlying fear and insecurity in the country.
Gang violence in Haiti has pushed the country’s healthcare system to the brink of collapse, leaving many injured individuals without proper medical care. Josil Djaimeska, a gunshot victim, is among those awaiting surgery at a time when most schools in Port-au-Prince are closed due to the ongoing violence, leaving many unemployed. The overwhelming violence is a stark reminder of the fragility of life in Haiti, with residents facing daily threats to their safety and security.
The upcoming ceremony at the National Palace serves as a critical moment for Haiti’s political future amid escalating gang violence. The need for immediate security and support from international entities like the U.N. is paramount to help Haiti address the growing crisis. Despite the challenges, the transitional council is determined to advance the political process and initiate a new government to guide the country through this turbulent time. As Haiti grapples with widespread violence and insecurity, the commitment to move forward with the political transition remains unwavering, highlighting the resilience and determination of the Haitian people.