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Wisdom, the world’s oldest known wild bird, is a Laysan albatross that has recently been seen courting new suitors at the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge in the North Pacific Ocean. She is recognized by her band number Z333 and is estimated to be around 72 years old. Although her long-time mate, Akeakamai, has not been seen this season, Wisdom has been socializing with male birds and participating in mating dances with a few suitors, showing that she is still quite spry despite her age. Biologists first identified and banded Wisdom in 1956 after she laid an egg, and she has produced an estimated 50 to 60 eggs and 30 chicks in her lifetime.

Mōlī females lay a single egg in the first half of December, and they only lay one egg per year. Each year, millions of seabirds return to the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge to nest and raise their young, making it a sanctuary for various marine life and migratory birds. The purpose of the refuge is to serve as a breeding ground for wildlife while also protecting cultural resources from the Commercial Pacific Cable Company to the historic Battle of Midway. Wisdom spends 90% of her time at sea, feeding on squid and fish eggs, when she is not laying eggs, according to a report by Fox News Digital.

The Laysan albatross, also known as mōlī in Hawaiian, is a long-living seabird that pairs for life with a single mate. Wisdom was first banded in 1956 and her bands have been replaced over the years by experts. The birds are named after a breeding colony of 145,000 pairs on Laysan, one of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands located 930 miles northwest of Honolulu. In the past, albatrosses were banded with aluminum bands that would often fall off within 20 years due to corrosion from sand and salt water, but Wisdom has had her bands replaced to ensure her continued monitoring and identification.

The large seabirds aren’t known to breed before age five, and Wisdom has been spotted only sporadically since arriving for nesting season in late November. In March, she was seen actively courting other birds despite her mate’s absence. Wisdom was first banded by biologist Chandler Robbins in 1956 and has been photographed dancing with potential mates at the wildlife refuge. She has produced an estimated 50 to 60 eggs and 30 chicks that have fledged in her lifetime, demonstrating her importance to the albatross population. Despite her age, Wisdom remains an active member of the seabird community.

The Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge and Battle of Midway National Memorial serves as a refuge and breeding ground for migratory birds, monk seals, sea turtles, and other wildlife, while also protecting cultural resources. Wisdom’s recent courting behavior with new suitors highlights her importance as a breeding member of the albatross community at the refuge. Her longevity and continued activity demonstrate the resilience and importance of wild bird populations, particularly in protected areas such as the Midway Atoll. Biologists continue to monitor and study Wisdom’s behavior to better understand and protect the endangered seabird species.

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