On August 15, 1935, two iconic figures of the Depression-era United States, Will Rogers and Wiley Post, tragically lost their lives in a plane crash in Alaska. Will Rogers, known as a “cowboy philosopher,” was a vaudeville performer, Hollywood leading man, and famous radio personality, newspaper columnist, and public speaker. He was beloved for his folksy aphorisms that often skewered the political elite. Wiley Post, on the other hand, was a daring aviator and air travel pioneer who was the first person to fly solo around the world. The Wiley Post-Will Rogers Memorial Airport in Alaska is named in their honor.
Post’s record solo flight around the world in 1933, aboard the Winnie Mae, covered nearly 16,000 miles in just seven days, 18 hours, and 49 minutes. He was also known for establishing altitude records, wearing a pressure suit of his own design to survive high-altitude conditions. Post’s achievements made him a national celebrity, and his tragic death with Rogers was mourned by the nation. Both men were mourned in front-page headlines following their deaths in the plane crash in Alaska while seeking to establish a mail route from the American West Coast to Russia.
Rogers’ rise to national prominence was unique, starting as a globe-trotting trick roper who gained recognition for his heroics in restraining a runaway bull at Madison Square Garden in 1905. He went on to become a well-known radio personality, public speaker, and newspaper columnist. Post and Rogers joined forces to establish a mail route from the West Coast to Russia through Alaska, showcasing their shared love for aviation. Their final flight took off from Fairbanks, bound for Barrow, with a tragic end when the engine failed, causing a crash that killed both men instantly.
Post’s accomplishments in high-altitude and instrumentation flying, as well as his groundbreaking solo flights around the world, solidified his legacy as an aviation pioneer. Rogers, with his witty and insightful commentary on politics and society, remains a beloved figure in American history. The deaths of these two prominent figures were a significant loss to the nation, and their memory is honored at the Wiley Post-Will Rogers Memorial Airport in Alaska. Their contributions to aviation and popular culture continue to be remembered and celebrated to this day.
Despite their tragic end, the legacies of Will Rogers and Wiley Post live on through their contributions to aviation, entertainment, and public discourse. Rogers’ witty observations and folksy wisdom continue to resonate with audiences, while Post’s daring feats in aviation paved the way for future pioneers in the field. The Wiley Post-Will Rogers Memorial Airport in Alaska stands as a tribute to their enduring impact on American history and culture. Their final voyage together may have ended in tragedy, but their remarkable achievements and lasting influence ensure that their memory will never be forgotten.