Each day of the week is governed by a ruling planet, much like zodiac signs. The energy of that planet influences each day and can be leveraged for personal benefit. The name of each day is rooted in ancient mythology, with the seven-day week structure originating from the Bible, where God created the universe in six days and rested on the seventh. The work week begins on Monday, ruled by the moon, a day for reflection and setting the tone for the week ahead.
Monday, influenced by the moon, is a day to reflect, record, and focus on contemplation rather than productivity. The moon’s emphasis on soul and sustenance opposes the capitalist construct of worth equaling productivity. Tuesday, governed by Mars, is a day for initiating action, confrontation, and competition. Mars supports bold action and is associated with Aries and Scorpio, known for their intensity and drive.
Managing Mars energy on Tuesday involves wearing red and taking direct action on important tasks or goals. Reciting the Orphic hymn to Mars can help harness his power for fierce determination and action. Astrolger Elise Wells suggests embodying the qualities of Mars – being magnanimous, unconquered, and boisterous – to fully embrace the energy of the day. Tuesday is the day to push forward with confidence and conviction, making it an ideal time for important meetings or decisions.
Astrologer Reda Wigle offers insights into planetary configurations and their effects on each zodiac sign. Through her horoscopes, Wigle integrates history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience to provide a comprehensive understanding of astrology. Her writing covers a range of topics, from cemetery etiquette to her experiences while traveling, showcasing her diverse interests and unique perspective on astrology. Wigle’s work delves into the deeper meanings behind astrological influences, offering readers a guide to understanding the stars and their impact on daily life.