WhatsApp has unveiled a new design, describing it as fresh, approachable, and simple. The company says the new design is based on product principles of keeping the app simple, reliable, and private. They have refreshed the look of the app while being careful not to disrupt users’ muscle memory. The design aims to be intuitive, clear, and familiar, making it easy for users to navigate and connect while protecting their privacy.
One of the changes introduced is a new consistent green palette within the app for a unified experience. The company considered over 35 different color iterations before settling on a palette that allows for harmonious color pairings throughout the app, while also increasing the usage of neutral colors. However, the changes in color have sparked severe reactions from some users, with complaints that the new colors are not to their taste. This has made the new design surprisingly controversial for many users.
The upgrade to the new design is not optional for users; all users will receive it sooner or later, with no option to opt out. There are also differences between the iPhone and Android versions of the app, such as the Chats tab being labeled with the WhatsApp logo on Android. The company also considered feedback from users who wanted a darker dark mode, focusing on higher contrast and deeper tones to reduce eye strain in low-light environments. They have made the dark mode one shade darker for improved visual appeal and legibility.
In addition to the new design, WhatsApp has introduced a new attachment layout to make it easier to send photos and videos on iOS. The full-screen menu has been replaced with a tray that can be expanded for accessing features. Meta, the parent company of WhatsApp, has provided more specific details about the changes to the app’s design, including improvements to dark mode and attachment layouts. Users can learn more about the new features and changes by checking out Meta’s details on the new design.
Overall, the new design of WhatsApp aims to make the app more accessible, while maintaining a focus on simplicity, reliability, and privacy. The company has taken into account user feedback and behaviors to create an interface that is intuitive, clear, and easy to navigate. While some users have expressed dissatisfaction with the changes, the company continues to listen to feedback and make adjustments as needed. As all users will eventually receive the new design, it is important for users to familiarize themselves with the changes and explore the new features and improvements introduced by WhatsApp.