Late Night With The Devil, a blockbuster horror film directed by Australian siblings Colin and Cameron Cairnes, follows talk show host Jack Delroy as he broadcasts a Halloween special on October 31, 1977, unaware that he is about to unleash evil into the living rooms of America. Starring David Dastmalchian, Laura Gordon, and others, the film received critical acclaim and box office success upon its premiere on March 22, becoming IFC’s largest opening weekend ever.
David Dastmalchian, who plays Jack Delroy in the film, described Late Night With The Devil as a mix of humor, shock, and horror that goes beyond simple jump scares. Drawing inspiration from real-life late-night talk show host Don Lane, Dastmalchian portrayed Jack as a broken man dealing with unresolved trauma and grief. The actor noted Lane’s genuine interest in the supernatural and his willingness to give guests with psychic abilities a chance, rather than making them the butt of a joke.
For viewers interested in watching Late Night With The Devil, the film is currently only available in theaters. However, it will be coming to Shudder, a streaming platform specializing in horror and thriller content, on April 19, 2024. Shudder offers a variety of subscription plans starting at $5.99/month, with a seven-day free trial available for those wanting to watch the film for free upon its release. The trailer for Late Night With The Devil can be viewed online to get a glimpse of the eerie and suspenseful atmosphere of the film.
Late Night With The Devil has gained popularity for its unique blend of horror and dark humor, resonating with audiences and critics alike. With a thrilling storyline and impressive performances from the cast, including Dastmalchian as the troubled Jack Delroy, the film has captivated viewers and made a mark in the horror genre. As the release date on Shudder approaches, fans of the film and horror enthusiasts can look forward to experiencing the chilling tale of Jack Delroy and the consequences of his actions on that fateful Halloween night in 1977.
As the anticipation grows for the streaming release of Late Night With The Devil on Shudder, viewers can prepare for a spine-tingling experience that delves into the depths of darkness and the supernatural. With its successful theatrical run and critical acclaim, the film is set to become a must-watch for horror fans seeking a fresh and gripping story. Don’t miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of Late Night With The Devil and witness the haunting consequences of Jack Delroy’s actions on the small screen next month.