At the 2025 Golden Globes, the cast and crew of the show “Baby Reindeer” had an unforgettable evening as they won two awards. Jessica Gunning, who won Best Female Supporting Actor — Television, expressed her disbelief at the success of the show and how it has changed her life. Richard Gadd lost the award for Best Performance by a Male Actor but had the opportunity to thank fans for embracing the show when they accepted the award for Best Limited Series Anthology Series or a Motion Picture Made for Television. Before the awards were handed out, both Gadd and Gunning expressed their gratitude for being recognized by the Hollywood Foreign Press.
Gadd, the creator of “Baby Reindeer,” was thrilled to be nominated for the Golden Globes and found himself up against Hollywood legends such as Colin Farrell and Kevin Kline. Gunning was equally excited to be nominated alongside some of her idols. The show, which first premiered in April 2024, follows a comedian named Donny as he deals with a female stalker named Martha. The tense situation takes a toll on his relationships with friends and family and forces him to face past traumas. The success of the show caught many by surprise, including Gadd, who recalls the moment the show became a hit overnight.
At the Golden Globes, Gadd and Gunning shared their excitement at being recognized for their work on “Baby Reindeer.” Gunning was grateful for the opportunity to be in the same category as some of her idols, while Gadd thanked fans for embracing the show and spoke about the importance of telling stories that speak to the challenges of our times. The success of the show has been a dream come true for Gadd, who had always hoped to attend the Golden Globes one day as part of the industry’s finest.
Despite losing the award for Best Male Performance, Gadd expressed his gratitude for the show’s recognition and the impact it has had on viewers. The popularity of “Baby Reindeer” exceeded his expectations, with the show becoming No. 1 in multiple countries around the globe. Gunning also shared her disbelief at the show’s success and how it has changed her life. With the show now streaming on Netflix, both Gadd and Gunning are grateful for the opportunity to share their work with a wider audience and be recognized for their contributions to the industry.