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Wendy is determined to prevent another tragic accident like the one that claimed her husband’s life by pushing for change in how wrong-way drivers are handled on the road. Working with her husband’s friends, who are engineers, Wendy is exploring possible solutions to warn both the police and other drivers of the dangers posed by wrong-way drivers. One of Michael Jackson’s friends, Michael Linneman, highlighted the need to make people in harm’s way aware so they can take steps to protect themselves.

The NTTA cameras captured footage of a wrong-way driver on the PGBT on August 13, 2022, providing a visual representation of the dangers that wrong-way drivers pose on the roads. An attorney working with the Jackson family obtained videos and records from the NTTA, revealing that the driver who hit Michael Jackson had been driving in the wrong direction for about eight minutes prior to the crash. Despite the timely warning to the police, the challenge lies in alerting other drivers on the road who may not have encountered warning signs before encountering the wrong-way driver.

Michael Linneman and Wendy’s attorney, Stephen Higdon, are exploring the use of mobile phone technology to bridge the gap in alerting drivers to the dangers posed by wrong-way drivers. Linneman discovered that state transportation departments, such as the Texas Department of Transportation, have the authority to issue alerts over phones through FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS). This system is already utilized for delivering AMBER Alerts and other emergency notifications to phones, making it a feasible option for warning drivers of a wrong-way driver in their vicinity.

The suggestion of using mobile phone technology to alert drivers to the presence of wrong-way drivers is compared to the way weather alerts are sent out to warn of hazards like flash floods. Linneman believes that leveraging existing technologies like IPAWS can effectively inform drivers of potential dangers on the road, allowing them to take proactive measures to ensure their safety. By utilizing these tools, the hope is to prevent future tragedies caused by wrong-way drivers and raise awareness among drivers about the risks associated with such incidents.

The tragic loss of Michael Jackson has prompted Wendy to advocate for changes in how wrong-way drivers are handled on the road, not only to protect her husband’s memory but also to prevent further accidents. Through the cooperation of Michael’s friends, who are engineers, and legal assistance from Stephen Higdon, efforts are being made to explore innovative solutions for improving warning systems for wrong-way drivers. The goal is to implement a more effective method of alerting both the police and drivers on the road to mitigate the risks posed by wrong-way drivers and prevent future tragedies.

The use of mobile phone technology and existing alert systems like IPAWS is seen as a promising avenue for enhancing communication about wrong-way drivers to drivers on the road. By leveraging these tools, there is an opportunity to provide timely warnings to drivers in harm’s way and empower them to take precautionary measures. Through these collaborative efforts and advocacy for change, Wendy and her allies aim to create a safer environment on the roads and raise awareness about the dangers of wrong-way drivers, ultimately working towards preventing future accidents and tragedies.

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