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The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has filed a lawsuit in Delaware federal court in an effort to compel the Justice Department to produce records that may indicate whether Hunter Biden should be further investigated under a law from 1910 regarding “prostitution or debauchery.” The law in question, known as the Mann Act, makes it a felony to knowingly transport any woman or girl across state or international lines for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery. The Oversight Project contends that there is substantial evidence suggesting that Biden was being probed under the Mann Act, and they are seeking access to records that may shed more light on the matter.

The legal brief submitted by the Oversight Project includes a portion of a 2023 interview transcript from IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler, who testified before the House Ways & Means Committee. Ziegler spoke of efforts by the Justice Department to investigate potential Mann Act violations, specifically mentioning a “West Coast assistant” of Biden’s who was believed to be involved in the world of prostitution. The whistleblower also mentioned instances of Biden deducting expenses related to this individual, as well as paying for their travel. Ziegler indicated that the Justice Department was compiling potential violation allegations, although the ultimate outcome was not known.

Oversight Project attorney Kyle Brosnan asserts that the Justice Department likely possesses the information related to the potential Mann Act violations by Biden and should make it available to the public. The group is seeking records pertaining to Ziegler’s testimony, communications with the probation office regarding the Mann Act, and inquiries related to potential victims. Brosnan points to the existence of information on the Hunter Biden laptop, which was entered into evidence in his criminal case in Delaware, as evidence that the records exist.

In response to inquiries for information on the matter, the Justice Department issued a “Glomar response,” which allows for a justified exception to the requirement of confirming or denying the existence of requested information. The Oversight Project has criticized this response as inappropriate, particularly in light of the revelations from Ziegler’s testimony and the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop. Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and James Comer also wrote to the Justice Department following the IRS whistleblowers’ testimony, expressing concerns about potential victims in relation to a Mann Act probe involving Hunter Biden.

Mike Howell, executive director of the Oversight Project, emphasized the seriousness of transporting individuals across state lines for illegal purposes and highlighted the fact that this is a federal offense. Howell stated that despite evidence indicating potential violations of the Mann Act by Hunter Biden, he has not been charged for these offenses. The Oversight Project aims to hold the Justice Department accountable for tracking and potentially refusing to prosecute these crimes. Requests for comment from the Justice Department, the White House, and Hunter Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, were not responded to at the time of the report.

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