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The anime series Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba follows siblings Tanjiro and Nezuko, who are the sole survivors of a demon attack that transforms Nezuko into a demon. Tanjiro is determined to avenge his family’s deaths while also searching for a cure for Nezuko’s condition. In the new season, the story continues with higher stakes and a fresh storyline as Tanjiro faces new challenges and enemies. The Hashira Training arc in season 4 sees the demon king King Muzan targeting Nezuko, prompting the Hashira to train the corps for a dangerous showdown. Fans can expect to see Tanjiro sharpen his combat skills and witness the dynamic between Sanemi and Giyu as they prepare for the upcoming battles.

The first episode of the Hashira Training arc premiered on Crunchyroll on May 10, with new episodes releasing weekly on Sundays at 10:45 a.m. PT. Demon Slayer season 4 is exclusive to Crunchyroll for premium subscribers, with the basic premium tier priced at $8 per month. Viewers who prefer to catch up on previous seasons can find one season on Hulu and four previous arcs on Netflix. Anime fans can also explore other anime titles on Crunchyroll, which offers simulcasts, on-demand releases, and originals for subscribers.

For viewers who may be traveling abroad and want to stream Demon Slayer season 4 on Crunchyroll, a VPN can be a useful tool to access the series from anywhere in the world. A VPN allows users to virtually change their location and encrypt their traffic to enhance privacy and security while streaming. Popular VPN providers like ExpressVPN can help ensure a smooth streaming experience by providing stable streams and reliable connections. By following the VPN provider’s instructions for installation and selecting a country where the show is available on Crunchyroll, viewers can enjoy the new episodes of Demon Slayer season 4.

To maximize the benefits of using a VPN for streaming, viewers should ensure that they are connected to the VPN before opening their streaming app. Troubleshooting tips include double-checking the installation, ensuring the correct geographical region is selected, and restarting devices if connection issues persist. While some streaming services may have restrictions on VPN access, legal streaming with a VPN is typically allowed in countries like the US and Canada. By following proper guidelines and precautions, viewers can securely enjoy anime like Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba from anywhere with the help of a VPN.

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