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In a segment on CNN’s new comedy quiz show, “Have I Got News For You,” host Roy Wood Jr. reacts to a video of a young boy selling tractors. The boy, who is known for yodeling in Walmart, is seen in the video trying to sell toy tractors. This humorous video is used as a segue to discuss potential impacts on the tractor industry due to former President Donald Trump’s tariffs.

Wood jokes that the boy is “the one that be yodeling in the Walmart,” referencing the viral video that made the boy famous. He notes that despite the boy’s previous fame as a yodeler, he has now pivoted to selling toy tractors. This shift in the boy’s career path is used as a lighthearted way to broach the serious topic of how tariffs under the Trump administration might affect industries like tractors.

The video clip serves as a comedic entry point for a discussion on the potential repercussions of Trump’s tariffs on the tractor industry. Wood uses humor to engage the audience in a conversation about a complex political issue. By juxtaposing the innocence of a child selling toys with the real-world implications of government policies, Wood highlights the human impact of decisions made at the highest levels of power.

Wood’s reaction to the boy selling tractors showcases his comedic talent and ability to tackle serious topics in a light-hearted way. By incorporating humor into the discussion of tariffs and their effects on industries like tractors, Wood brings attention to the issue in a creative and engaging manner. This approach allows viewers to connect with the subject matter in a more accessible and relatable way.

Through his witty commentary on the video of the boy selling tractors, Wood draws attention to the broader implications of Trump’s tariffs on various industries. While the boy’s actions may seem innocent and playful on the surface, they also serve as a reminder of the economic challenges faced by businesses and individuals due to government policies. Wood’s humor serves as a vehicle for exploring complex topics in a way that is both informative and entertaining.

Overall, Wood’s reaction to the boy selling tractors on the CNN comedy quiz show highlights the intersection of humor and serious political issues. By using the viral video as a starting point for a conversation about tariffs and their impact on industries, Wood effectively engages viewers in a discussion that is both enlightening and entertaining. This blend of comedy and commentary showcases Wood’s unique comedic style and ability to tackle complex topics with wit and charm.

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