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Sister Rosita Milesi, a Brazilian nun and member of the Scalabrini nuns, has been awarded the prestigious Nansen Award by the UN refugee agency for her decades-long dedication to helping migrants and refugees in Brazil. Over the course of 40 years, Milesi has personally assisted thousands of people, providing them with access to legal documents, shelter, food, healthcare, language training, and employment opportunities. Her work as a lawyer and social worker has been instrumental in shaping public policy in Brazil, including the country’s refugee law in 1997 and migration law in 2017.

Milesi, the daughter of poor Italian farmers in southern Brazil, has committed herself to turning the world upside down to make a difference in the lives of those in need. She runs the Migration and Human Rights Institute of the Scalabrini order and coordinates RedeMIR, a national network of 60 organizations that support refugees and migrants across Brazil. Her efforts have brought together various groups and mobilized lawmakers to advocate for improved rights and support for refugees and migrants in the country.

In addition to Sister Rosita Milesi, four regional winners were also recognized for their outstanding contributions to helping refugees and displaced people. Burkinabe activist Maimouna Ba, Syrian entrepreneur Jin Davod, Sudan’s Nada Fadol, and Nepal’s Deepti Gurung were honored for their efforts to support vulnerable populations and address the challenges they face in their respective regions. The Nansen Award, established in 1954 in honor of Fridtjof Nansen, recognizes individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to refugee assistance and protection.

Milesi is only the second Brazilian to receive the Nansen Award, joining a prestigious list of global laureates that includes organizations like Doctors Without Borders and world leaders like Angela Merkel. She will receive $100,000 to fund a project that complements her work, while the regional winners will each receive $25,000. The awards will be presented in Geneva on October 14, where Milesi and the other winners will be recognized for their tireless efforts to support refugees and migrants in their communities.

Sister Rosita Milesi’s dedication and commitment to helping refugees and migrants in Brazil have had a profound impact on the lives of thousands of people over the past four decades. Through her work as a lawyer, social worker, and movement builder, Milesi has been instrumental in shaping public policy in Brazil and advocating for improved rights and support for refugees and migrants in the country. Her leadership of the Scalabrini order’s Migration and Human Rights Institute and coordination of the national network RedeMIR have brought together organizations and lawmakers to address the needs of vulnerable populations in Brazil.

The Nansen Award recognizes individuals like Sister Rosita Milesi and the regional winners who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and compassion in supporting refugees and displaced people in their communities. By honoring their efforts and achievements, the UN refugee agency highlights the importance of solidarity, advocacy, and support for those who have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or other reasons. The awards ceremony in Geneva will celebrate the contributions of Milesi and the other winners and inspire continued efforts to protect and assist refugees and migrants around the world.

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