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During a speech at the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Dallas, former President Donald Trump froze for more than 30 seconds, leaving supporters waiting for his next words. Trump was praising the state of Texas before abruptly falling silent at the lectern. This pause prompted some supporters of current President Joe Biden to criticize Trump’s competency, given his frequent attacks on Biden’s age and mental capability. Trump eventually continued, expressing concerns about the state of the nation, particularly focusing on inflation and economic issues.

A clip of the freezing moment was posted on social media by an account called @BidensWins, with the caption suggesting that Trump was unfit for office. This sparked further commentary on various platforms, with some likening Trump’s freeze to incidents involving Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. However, supporters of Trump defended him, suggesting that he was simply listening or experiencing technical difficulties with the teleprompter. Some believed that Trump’s headshake was an expression of frustration, while others thought the pause was intentional for dramatic effect or syncing with accompanying music.

In another part of the NRA convention speech, Trump was seen swatting at a fly that was buzzing around him. This incident, along with a separate moment at Minnesota’s Lincoln-Reagan Annual Dinner where Trump leaned too heavily on the lectern, led to criticisms from the Biden campaign regarding his fitness for office. In the video shared by Biden-Harris HQ, Trump appears unsteady as he grabs the lectern to prevent it from falling over. He then jokingly criticizes the stage setup and quips about the platform tilting to the left in reference to political leanings.

Despite the criticisms and mocking from some quarters, Trump’s supporters remained steadfast in their defense of the former president. They pushed back against claims of Trump’s unfitness for office, attributing the freezing incident to technical glitches or intentional pauses. In response to the video from the Lincoln-Reagan event, where Trump nearly falls down after leaning on the podium too hard, his supporters dismissed concerns about his physical abilities. Trump himself joked about the stage setup and the left-leaning tilt, further illustrating his combative and humor-tinged response to criticisms.

Overall, these incidents from the NRA convention and the Lincoln-Reagan event added fuel to the ongoing debate surrounding Trump’s capabilities and fitness for office. Supporters of the former president rallied to defend him against criticisms of senility or incompetency, while critics seized on moments where Trump appeared physically unsteady or mentally frozen. The back-and-forth on social media and in commentary reflects the intense polarization and scrutiny surrounding public figures like Trump and the narratives that emerge from their public appearances.

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