Sheri Scott, also known as Forever Yours Betty, is a 37-year-old content creator and business strategist living in Margate, England. She is obsessed with the color orange and incorporates it into every outfit she wears. Scott’s love for orange has been a constant part of her life, and it truly became prominent when she dyed her hair red at the age of 21. Her hairdresser advised against dyeing it a deeper red, as it would appear orange, and Scott embraced the idea. She felt that by dyeing her hair orange, she had reached her fullest form and finally felt completely herself.
After starting a blog in 2011, Scott’s personality and online community flourished. She shares unique clothes and trinkets on her blog, typically featuring the color orange, and helps her followers find their style through dressing in color. Scott has a large following on TikTok, where she shares similar content. Despite not setting out to become an online personality, Scott’s vibrant and colorful content has attracted a large audience who resonate with her love for orange. She believes that the color makes her feel powerful, playful, strong, silly, energetic, and empathetic.
At the age of 34, Scott was diagnosed with ADHD and autism, conditions that she believes are reflected in her obsession with the color orange. She mentioned that wearing all orange not only allows her to express herself but also helps with decision paralysis and sensory issues due to her interchangeable wardrobe. Scott finds joy in spreading happiness through her content and believes that as long as she is making others happy in some way, it brings her happiness as well. Items in her home also reflect her love for the color orange, including the radiator, teddy bears, drawers, paintings, sofa, and pillows.
Scott’s journey with orange has been a transformative and empowering experience for her. She feels that by immersing herself in the color, she has found a way to fully express her true self and cope with challenges related to her ADHD and autism. Her vibrant personality and unique style have attracted a large following on social media platforms, where she continues to inspire others to embrace color and find their own individuality through fashion. Scott’s dedication to orange not only sets her apart but also serves as a source of joy and self-expression in her life.
In a society where conformity is often the norm, Scott’s unwavering love for the color orange serves as a refreshing reminder of the power of self-expression and individuality. Her ability to find beauty and strength in a color that may not be traditionally popular or trendy showcases her sense of confidence and authenticity. By embracing orange as her signature color, Scott has created a unique personal brand that resonates with her followers and allows her to spread happiness and positivity through her colorful content. Her journey with orange is a testament to the transformative power of embracing one’s true self and expressing individuality in a world that often values conformity.
Sheri Scott’s story serves as an inspiring example of the importance of staying true to oneself and embracing what brings joy and fulfillment. Through her passion for the color orange, Scott has found a way to express her authentic self, cope with challenges, and spread happiness to others. Her vibrant and colorful presence in the online community has garnered a large following who appreciate her unique style and positive energy. By celebrating her favorite color and sharing her journey with others, Scott continues to inspire individuals to embrace their own individuality and find happiness in self-expression.