Unfortunately, the Superquiz feature is currently unavailable. The team is working to restore it, so please try again later to access the content. In the meantime, readers can check out the new digital version of the popular nine-letter puzzle called Target Time, where they can find words and try to discover the Target word in an interactive way. Premium subscribers can play Target Time and share their results.
Andrew Brooks wrote the article discussing the updates and new features in the Superquiz section. The article mentions the digital version of Target Time, which challenges readers to find words and the Target word within a set time, allowing for an interactive experience. The new version is designed for subscribers to enjoy and test their skills in word puzzles.
While the Superquiz feature is currently unavailable, readers can engage with the new digital version of Target Time to continue enjoying puzzles and challenges. The article encourages readers to explore the new interactive features and share their results with others. The team is working to restore the Superquiz feature, so readers are advised to check back later for access.
The article ends with a note from Andrew Brooks, mentioning the availability of the new digital version of Target Time for readers to enjoy and challenge themselves with word puzzles. The feature invites readers to participate in finding words and the Target word within a set time frame, providing a fun and engaging experience for all. Readers are encouraged to check back for updates on the Superquiz feature and enjoy the new interactive puzzle in the meantime.