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President Biden relies heavily on a small circle of trusted advisers, including Mike Donilon, Ron Klain, and Ted Kaufman, who have been with him for decades. They serve as his political comfort animals and are his go-to insiders for advice on polls, debates, and campaign strategy. Despite being much older than the young voters who could decide the election, these advisers have earned the president’s full trust and are considered essential to his decision-making process. They have been through some of the worst moments in Mr. Biden’s life, including health scares and personal tragedies, creating a strong bond that few others can understand.

Ron Klain, the youngest of the three at 62, is seen as the president’s whisperer with progressives and an expert at government operations. He has played a key role in preparing Mr. Biden for debates and guiding his messaging, particularly during the 2022 campaign against Donald Trump. Mike Donilon, on the other hand, is known for his ability to channel Mr. Biden’s voice and is credited with devising the winning strategy for the campaign. Lastly, Ted Kaufman, at 85, represents Mr. Biden’s ties to Delaware and serves as a confidant whose instincts align with protecting the Biden political brand. Together, they form a tight-knit group that the president heavily relies on for advice and support.

While Mr. Biden’s campaign operates like a sophisticated re-election machine, with operatives analyzing polling data and targeting crucial communities, it is Mr. Donilon who is consulted on virtually every major decision. Alongside other longtime aides, such as Anita Dunn and Steve Ricchetti, he helps shape the president’s political narrative and messaging. Despite concerns from outsiders about the insular nature of the president’s inner circle, Mr. Biden values the loyalty and deep understanding that these longtime advisers provide, believing they are best suited to represent his voice and interests.

At the heart of Mr. Biden’s political and personal life is his relationship with Ted Kaufman, a trusted confidant who has been by his side since the earliest days of his career. Mr. Kaufman’s fast-talking, blunt style complements the president’s approach, and his instincts have always been aligned with protecting the Biden political brand. From helping Mr. Biden construct his first run for the presidency in 1986 to managing his transition into the White House in 2020, Mr. Kaufman has been involved in some of the most critical decisions of Mr. Biden’s career. Their close bond and shared history make Mr. Kaufman an essential figure in the president’s inner circle.

Overall, the trio of advisers, including Mr. Donilon, Mr. Klain, and Mr. Kaufman, play a crucial role in shaping Mr. Biden’s political strategy and decision-making process. Their deep understanding of the president’s values and priorities allows them to effectively represent his voice and interests in key political moments. While there may be concerns about the insular nature of the president’s inner circle, Mr. Biden values the trust and loyalty of these longtime advisers, believing that they are best equipped to guide him through critical decisions and challenges.

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