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Ukraine’s success in using Bradley vehicles in battle against Russia has created a new “legend” around the country, according to a warfare expert. The availability of more than 300 Bradleys provided by the US has allowed Ukraine to use these vehicles more effectively than other armored combat vehicles like Abrams tanks. The expert criticized the Western delays and drip-feeding of aid to Ukraine, which he believes has made the country less effective in combat situations.

The availability of a large number of Bradleys has allowed Ukraine to employ them in various operations against Russian forces, including fighting against infantry, bunkers, troop carriers, drones, and tanks. The success of the Bradleys in battle has led to a “Bradley legend” among the Ukrainian forces, boosting their morale and adding fear to the Russians. The flexibility and versatility of the Bradleys have proven to be more useful in certain situations compared to heavier tanks like the Abrams.

Criticism has been directed at Ukraine’s Western partners for supplying weapons in small numbers, after significant delays, and without clear future commitments. This “drip feeding” of aid has been seen as hindering Ukraine’s ability to develop long-term strategies in the conflict. Some experts believe that if Ukraine had been supplied with more weapons, such as tanks, in larger quantities and earlier, it could have made a significant difference in the outcome of the war.

Despite not being the most advanced armored vehicles, the Bradleys have proven to be highly capable and suited to the style of warfare seen in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Their lighter frames and flexible cannons with a high rate of fire have made them effective in combating Russian tanks. Ukraine’s success in using Bradleys to target the vulnerabilities of Russian tanks has enhanced the reputation of these vehicles and created a “legend” around them.

Ukraine has lost at least 90 Bradleys in combat, but the availability of a larger number of these vehicles has allowed them to continue using them effectively. The ability to take risks and employ the Bradleys in various operations has contributed to their success against Russian forces. In contrast, the limited numbers of other weapons like Abrams tanks have not been as effective in combat situations.

Moving forward, experts suggest that a balance is needed between having fewer, more technical weapons and a larger number of less advanced weapons. The success of Ukraine with the Bradleys highlights the importance of having enough weapons to use flexibly in combat situations. The lessons learned from Ukraine’s use of these vehicles may influence future decisions on supplying weapons to conflict zones and the strategic importance of having a sufficient quantity of weapons for military operations.

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