Maisie Williams, known for her role as Arya Stark in Game of Thrones, revealed that her interest in fashion and design began at a young age. Disenchanted with the red-carpet dresses chosen for her as a pre-teen, she took matters into her own hands and researched Dior’s iconic New Look. Williams recently attended the Dior Cruise 2025 show at Drummond Castle in Perthshire, Scotland, where she played Catherine Dior in a post-World War II drama about the rise of Christian Dior. She appreciated the collection’s combination of medieval, punk, and brash elements with flattering silhouettes, particularly admiring designer Maria Grazia Chiuri’s ability to take inspiration from unexpected sources and make them beautiful.
As a style chameleon, Williams has experimented with various looks throughout her career, ranging from pink hair and sparkly eyeshadow to more traditional and classic styles. At the Dior show, she sported a leopard-print shorts suit with a cinched waist, a departure from the late 1950s silhouette she had previously favored. Williams, who is now 27 years old, expressed feeling confident in her recent style choices, noting that they make her feel empowered. She discussed her cat-eye flick makeup look, which featured a flipped-wing shape that deviated from the straight liner trend she had observed.
Williams’s outfit at the show was completed with an Alice band for a preppy touch and fishnet tights added last minute by her hairstylist and makeup artist. She emphasized the importance of feeling confident in her clothing choices, highlighting how her shift towards more classic and traditional styles has positively impacted her self-esteem. Williams’s appreciation for fashion and design, as evidenced by her early research into Dior’s New Look, reflects her evolving style journey and her desire to express herself through her clothing.
The Dior Cruise 2025 show, held at Drummond Castle in Perthshire, showcased a collection inspired by medieval, punk, and brash elements combined with flattering silhouettes that designer Maria Grazia Chiuri is known for. Williams, who played Catherine Dior in a recent post-World War II drama about Christian Dior, praised the collection for its unique blend of influences and the designer’s ability to make unconventional sources of inspiration beautiful. The show was a significant event for Williams, who has been exploring more classic and traditional styles in her wardrobe choices, finding empowerment and confidence in her new fashion direction.
Williams’s style evolution has seen her experiment with various looks, from expressive and colorful to more traditional and classic. Her outfit at the Dior show, featuring a leopard-print shorts suit with a cinched waist, marked a departure from her previous late 1950s silhouette preferences. Williams expressed satisfaction with her current style choices, noting that they make her feel confident and empowered. The addition of an Alice band and fishnet tights to her ensemble highlighted the importance of paying attention to details in creating a cohesive and polished look that reflects her personal style journey and self-expression through fashion.