Kendall Jenner made a stunning appearance at the 2024 Met Gala in a rare Givenchy look designed by Lee Alexander McQueen. The following day, she opted for a more casual outfit paired with outrageously priced slippers from The Row. After a night out in New York, she was spotted leaving her hotel in a monochromatic outfit featuring The Row wool gabardine trousers and the brand’s Frances house slippers, retailing at $990. Jenner is known for her high-end fashion choices and commitment to luxury brands like The Row, founded by Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen in 2006.
Jenner’s outfit at the Met Gala showcased her ability to steal the spotlight in a design by the late McQueen, while her choice of The Row slippers for a casual look highlights her dedication to comfort and luxury. Her fashion choices often include head-to-toe looks from The Row, demonstrating her affinity for the brand and confidence in pulling off high-priced pieces. The Frances house slippers worn by Jenner are designed for both indoor and outdoor use, showcasing their versatility and luxury appeal. Despite the steep $990 price tag, Jenner effortlessly incorporates them into her everyday wardrobe.
The monochromatic outfit worn by Jenner while leaving her hotel in New York included pieces from The Row paired with unique accessories like green-tinted Vehla sunglasses. Her choice of a burgundy The Row tote bag adds a pop of color to the otherwise muted ensemble, showcasing her eye for detail and ability to elevate basic pieces into chic and sophisticated looks. The Frances house slippers worn by Jenner may appear to be ordinary at first glance, but their luxurious silk terry material and leather soles make them a standout piece in her outfit, despite their high price.
Kendall Jenner’s latest purchase from The Row for spring 2024 exemplifies her commitment to high-end fashion and willingness to invest in luxury pieces. The Frances house slippers worn by Jenner are a statement piece in her outfit and highlight her fashion narrative, showcasing her ability to seamlessly incorporate luxury items into her everyday wardrobe. While the $990 price tag may seem extravagant to some, Jenner’s flair and bank balance allow her to confidently pull off these unique and comfortable slippers, solidifying her status as a style icon with a penchant for luxury brands like The Row.