The highly anticipated sequel to the hit 2019 film “Joker” titled “Joker: Folie à Deux,” is already generating excitement ahead of its October release. The film will see the return of Joaquin Phoenix alongside new co-star Lady Gaga, sparking rumors that the film may have musical elements. Scheduled to open in theaters on October 4, five years after the original film dominated the box office and awards season, the sequel has a star-studded cast including Zazie Beetz and Brendan Gleeson. Director Todd Philips has been teasing fans with behind-the-scenes pictures of Lady Gaga and Phoenix from the upcoming film on Instagram.
Paparazzi pictures of Lady Gaga on set in New York City, including on the iconic stairs that the Joker danced down in the first film, have surfaced during the film’s shoot. While Warner Bros. has not released specific details about the plot, Variety reported that some scenes from the film will take place in and around Arkham Asylum. The Hollywood Reporter first mentioned rumors that the sequel would be a musical, with a soundtrack of at least 15 well-known songs. Composer Hildur Guðnadóttir has hinted at the film’s musical elements, leaving fans speculating on whether or not the film will have a significant musical component.
Lady Gaga recently shared a new poster for “Joker: Folie à Deux,” announcing that the trailer will premiere on April 9. The poster features Phoenix and Gaga’s characters dancing together with the subtitle, “The world is a stage.” The term “Folie à deux” which inspired the title of the film, is a rare psychological disorder where two closely related individuals share similar or identical delusions. The budget for the “Joker” sequel is reportedly $200 million, significantly higher than the $60 million it cost to produce the first film. Phoenix and Lady Gaga are set to earn around $20 million and $12 million respectively for their roles in the sequel.
The first “Joker” film was a massive success, grossing just under $1.1 billion worldwide and garnering multiple Academy Award nominations. Phoenix’s performance as the Joker earned him numerous awards, including an Oscar, Golden Globe, and Screen Actors Guild award for Best Actor. The film was also nominated for 11 Academy Awards and won the Oscar for Best Original Score. With the success of the first film, fans and critics alike are eagerly anticipating the release of “Joker: Folie à Deux” and are curious to see how the sequel will expand on the dark and gritty story of the Joker.