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The resistance force battling the military junta in Myanmar, led by rebel Ko Shan Gyi, is using homemade drones to upend the power balance in the country. Despite being outgunned by the well-equipped military, the rebel forces have managed to add ballast to the civil war by utilizing instructions sourced online and parts ordered from China. This use of technology, including 3D printers and cheap drones, is changing the nature of conflict in Myanmar, as well as in other regions like Ukraine, Yemen, and Syria. By creating drones with the ability to carry bombs and target military outposts, the resistance forces have been able to launch successful strikes against the junta.

A key figure in the rebellion, 3D, leads the militia’s drone unit and has employed his computer technology background to print drone parts and innovate ways to fight the junta. With the help of online resources and consultation with similar units across Myanmar, 3D and his team have been able to adapt drones for lethal use against humans. The internet has played a crucial role in connecting rebel groups in different conflict zones, allowing them to share tactics and strategies for drone warfare. The use of drones in Myanmar has shifted from off-the-shelf quadcopters to more improvised designs, like those created by 3D.

As the junta began using jamming technology to scramble drone signals, 3D sought solutions from Ukraine’s front lines, where the use of first-person-view drones had reshaped the conflict. By employing manual control rather than GPS guidance, these drones are less susceptible to jamming and can be piloted through electronic defenses. However, training to operate these drones effectively is crucial, as seen in Ukraine where pilots train for hundreds of hours before flying in combat. The rebel forces have also attempted drone attacks on military targets in the capital city of Naypyidaw, aiming to send a signal to the junta that they are not safe anywhere.

Despite facing hurdles such as limited resources and casualties in battle, the rebel forces continue to fight against the junta using innovative tactics and homemade drones. The use of drones has allowed the resistance to strike back against the military and disrupt the power dynamics in Myanmar. While the junta possesses superior weaponry, the rebel forces have shown that resourcefulness and adaptability can make a significant impact in a civil war. As conflict zones around the world embrace new technologies for warfare, the rebel forces in Myanmar are using consumer technology to level the playing field and challenge the military junta’s authority.

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