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The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st at 6:17 a.m. signifies a time of total release and purging, encouraging individuals to embrace surrender and hope. Falling on the Cancer/Capricorn axis, this moon highlights the polarity of family, intimacy, and ambition. Cancer represents the cosmic mother, while Capricorn embodies the tough love and stern standards of the zodiac. Both signs focus on security and investment but differ in their approaches to unconditional and conditional love sources.

Known as the Buck Moon, the July full moon is a reference to the male deer whose antlers grow during the summer months. This period represents a time of ripening, readying, and renewal, reflecting a trajectory of return, home, and destiny. The spiritual meaning of the Buck Moon also signifies the onset of important natural events, such as salmon runs in Alaska, mirroring the themes of surrender and hope of human beings.

Each zodiac sign is influenced by the Full Moon in unique ways. Aries may see career-related rewards, Taurus is encouraged to embark on a journey of self-discovery, and Gemini is reminded to reassess their financial situation. Cancer is provided with insights into romantic endeavors, Leo feels inspired to prioritize self-care, and Virgo is urged to enjoy the good times. Libra is called to care for loved ones, Scorpio is empowered to communicate effectively, and Sagittarius should reassess financial plans.

Capricorn is asked to consider their self-concept, Aquarius is prompted to develop new habits instead of falling back on familiar patterns, and Pisces is encouraged to enjoy time with friends. The Full Moon serves as a reminder for individuals to assess different aspects of their lives, make changes, and embrace new beginnings.astrologer Reda Wigle provides unique horoscopes that incorporate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experiences to provide insight into the planetary influences on each zodiac sign.

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