The author reflects on her experience getting tweakments done in preparation for her wedding day on London’s Harley Street. Initially, she wanted to look like herself but better, but as she stood in line the day after joking about not wanting her husband to recognize her, she began to question why she was undergoing these procedures. The concept of “perception drift” is introduced, which refers to the shift in self-perception as more procedures are done, leading to a loss of control over one’s image. Dr. Olivia Remes explains that fixing one perceived flaw can lead to the realization of another, creating a vicious cycle that can be difficult to break.
Dr. Maryam Zamani, an oculoplastic surgeon and facial aesthetics doctor, has noticed a growing number of patients seeking more and more procedures, leading her to turn some patients away. She believes in the ethos that less is more and will not treat someone if she doesn’t think they want realistic outcomes. The issue extends beyond fillers to the way people edit and present themselves online. The author discusses how she has a specific angle, pose, and lighting for photographs, and when she sees herself in an unedited or candid image, it can be jarring. The pressure to maintain a flawless image can lead to self-doubt and a desire to constantly fix perceived flaws.
The author questions whether in a world obsessed with perfection, people are starting to lose sight of themselves. As individuals undergo more procedures and present edited versions of themselves online, they may struggle to remember what they looked like originally. Dr. Remes highlights the trap of constantly fixing flaws and the difficulty in breaking free from this cycle. Dr. Zamani’s practice is based on the idea that less is more, but she is increasingly seeing patients who want more extreme changes that may not result in realistic outcomes.
The author acknowledges the impact of social media and online platforms on self-image, noting how accustomed she has become to seeing a specific edited version of herself. Seeing oneself in an unedited or unexpected way can be unsettling, leading to thoughts of how to fix perceived imperfections. The author reflects on the pressure to maintain a certain image and the constant comparison to edited versions of oneself online. The rise in popularity of procedures and the pressure to present a flawless image online contribute to the struggle with self-perception and identity.
Overall, the author grapples with the idea of self-improvement through procedures and the potential loss of self in the pursuit of perfection. The concept of perception drift and the difficulty in breaking free from a cycle of constantly fixing perceived flaws is explored. Dr. Zamani’s approach of advocating for realistic outcomes and the impact of edited self-presentations online are discussed. The author raises important questions about self-image, self-perception, and the impact of societal pressures towards perfection. The struggle to balance self-improvement with maintaining a sense of self is a central theme in the reflection on the author’s experiences with tweakments and the pressure to look perfect.