A realtor from Houston, George Huntoon, has developed a unique approach to removing squatters from properties that has garnered attention. Since 2020, he has successfully handled four squatter situations by speaking directly to the occupants and using a cover story to gain trust. The first situation involved helping a friend remove squatters from her property, which was documented on his YouTube channel. Following the posting of the video in May 2022, Huntoon’s approach gained traction, leading others to seek his assistance in similar situations.
Huntoon describes his approach to dealing with squatters as “counterintuitive,” placing himself in the role of a negotiator with them. One of the most challenging situations he faced was a house in west Houston that had been taken over by up to 10 squatters after the elderly owner moved into a nursing home. Huntoon chose to interact with the squatters compassionately instead of aggressively, creating a cover story that allowed him to slowly build trust with them over a two- to three-month period. By planting seeds that the police were aware of criminal activity in the house, Huntoon successfully encouraged the squatters to vacate the property.
In cases where Huntoon assists with squatters, he combines direct interaction with legal processes to facilitate their removal. He emphasizes the importance of monitoring properties when away, using security cameras, alarm systems, and building relationships with neighbors to prevent squatters from taking over. By befriending neighbors who can act as eyes and ears in his absence, homeowners can protect themselves from the potential issues caused by squatters. In many instances, squatter problems arise due to lack of communication and familiarity among neighbors, highlighting the importance of community awareness and cooperation.
Huntoon’s successful approach to dealing with squatters showcases the potential for compassionate negotiation to resolve such situations without resorting to confrontation. By slowly building trust and communicating effectively with squatters, he was able to convince them to vacate the properties willingly, avoiding potentially dangerous altercations with law enforcement. As squatter issues continue to plague homeowners across the country, Huntoon’s advice about monitoring properties and building relationships in the community serves as a valuable resource for those facing similar challenges.