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Mercedes and Jonathan Sandhu from Texas welcomed four identical girls, Hannah Grace, Lucy Marie, Rebecca Claire, and Petra Anne, on May 1. The odds of having identical quadruplets are incredibly slim, with doctors estimating it to be about one in 15 million. The girls were delivered via cesarean section at 29 weeks gestation, with the smallest, Petra, weighing 2 pounds, 7 ounces, and the largest, Hannah, born at 2 pounds, 13 ounces. The couple, who are both engineers, also have two sons, Aaron, 18 months, and Luke, 3. Mercedes’s pregnancy of quadruplets came as a surprise, but they embraced the news with excitement and gratitude.

Identical quadruplets occur spontaneously, without any reproductive assistance, making them a rare and remarkable phenomenon in medical history. The Sandhu sisters were confirmed to be identical through DNA testing, with the family eagerly awaiting the results of a final placenta examination for further confirmation. Mercedes was stunned when she saw four sacs on the ultrasound screen just seven weeks into her pregnancy, causing a mix of laughter, tears, and hysteria. Jonathan initially thought his wife was joking until the reality of the situation sank in. Despite the risks associated with carrying quadruplets, the couple maintained a positive outlook and chose to focus on the miraculous odds of conceiving identical quadruplets.

The pregnancy was high-risk, and the delivery was emotional for both Mercedes and Jonathan, who felt a sense of relief when the girls were born safely. The Sandhu sisters are currently in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at Texas Children’s Hospital, where they are being cared for with CPAP machines to assist with breathing and feeding tubes for nourishment. Doctors are optimistic that the girls will be able to go home by July. The Sandhus share updates on the girls’ journey on their Instagram page, allowing friends, family, and well-wishers to follow along and offer support.

The Sandhus will celebrate their five-year wedding anniversary on May 18, just weeks after the birth of their quadruplets. Despite the challenges and uncertainties that come with having four newborn babies in the NICU, Mercedes and Jonathan remain grateful for the miracle of their daughters’ arrival. They are excited to see the girls grow and develop, and are looking forward to the day when they can all be together at home as a family. The support and love they have received from their community and online followers have been a source of inspiration and strength as they navigate this new chapter in their lives as parents of six.

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