A groundhog in New Jersey targeted a jogger before being stopped by a quick-thinking teen. The incident occurred on July 19 when Cait Lostan encountered the aggressive groundhog during her morning run on a trail behind the Bernards Township Police Department. She shared her experience on the BaskingRidgeMoms Facebook group, explaining that the groundhog appeared injured and then charged at her when she made a call on speakerphone. Lostan ended up on her back defending herself from the animal, which started gnawing at her cell phone.
Caleb Morris, a ninth-grade student at Ridge High School, witnessed the encounter between Lostan and the groundhog. After finishing a cross country run, Morris heard screaming and found the jogger on the ground fighting off the animal. Despite his initial shock at the aggressiveness of the groundhog, Morris remained focused on helping the woman in distress. He witnessed the unusual behavior of the groundhog, noting its loud screams and intense attack on Lostan. Morris quickly intervened by calling 911 using Siri on the jogger’s phone that the groundhog had partially destroyed.
The arrival of the police shortly after allowed the situation to be resolved. The groundhog was still eating the woman’s phone when the authorities arrived. The police officers thanked Morris for his quick action and helped resolve the issue. Lostan later shared on social media that the police instructed Morris to leave the scene as they handled the situation with the groundhog. The teen’s bravery and quick thinking were later recognized by Bernards Township Mayor Jennifer Asay, who honored him with a proclamation on September 10 for his heroic actions.
The incident involving the aggressive groundhog and the quick response of Caleb Morris gained attention on social media and in the local community. The viral-worthy encounter shed light on the unpredictable behavior of wild animals and the importance of remaining vigilant during outdoor activities. Lostan’s experience serves as a reminder of the potential dangers that can arise when encountering injured or frightened wildlife on trails and in natural environments. Morris’ actions during the incident demonstrated the importance of remaining calm and taking quick action to ensure the safety of others in unexpected situations.
The bravery displayed by Morris in the face of a dangerous encounter with a wild animal has inspired others and raised awareness about safety measures when exploring outdoor areas. The teen’s presence of mind and quick thinking were crucial in ensuring that the situation was resolved swiftly and effectively. The incident highlighted the need for communities to be prepared for unexpected wildlife encounters and to have protocols in place for responding to such situations. By honoring Morris for his heroic actions, local authorities have acknowledged the importance of quick thinking and bravery in ensuring the safety of individuals in potentially dangerous situations.