The Superquiz feature on Sunday, November 10th is currently unavailable and the team is working to restore it. In the meantime, readers can try the new digital version of the nine-letter puzzle called Target Time. The goal of the game is to find as many words as possible using the nine letters provided and try to discover the Target word. Players can share their results and premium subscribers can play the game online.
Readers can participate in Target Time to challenge themselves and see how many words they can find using the nine letters provided in the puzzle. The game is a fun and engaging way to test your word skills and compete with others to see who can discover the Target word in the fastest time. Players can share their results with others and compare their scores to see who comes out on top.
The Superquiz feature on Sunday, November 10th is currently unavailable and the team is working to restore it. In the meantime, readers can try the new digital version of the nine-letter puzzle called Target Time. The goal of the game is to find as many words as possible using the nine letters provided and try to discover the Target word. Players can share their results and premium subscribers can play the game online.
The Target Time digital version is a new and exciting way to continue engaging with word puzzles and testing your skills. Players can see how quickly they can find the Target word and challenge themselves to improve their times. With the ability to share results and compete with others, the game provides a fun and interactive way to pass the time and enjoy a mental challenge.
The Superquiz feature on Sunday, November 10th is currently unavailable and the team is working to restore it. In the meantime, readers can try the new digital version of the nine-letter puzzle called Target Time. The goal of the game is to find as many words as possible using the nine letters provided and try to discover the Target word. Players can share their results and premium subscribers can play the game online.
The Target Time game offers a fun and engaging way for players to test their word skills and challenge themselves to find as many words as possible using the nine letters provided. With the ability to share results and compete with others, the game provides a social aspect to puzzle solving and offers players the chance to see who can find the Target word in the shortest amount of time. Players can continue to enjoy the mental challenge and entertainment of word puzzles while engaging with the new digital version of the game.