Looking for hints and the answer for Saturday’s Wordle puzzle? Look no further, as it’s time to tackle today’s challenge. As Sunday rolls around, it’s a perfect opportunity to relax or get some spring cleaning and chores done. But amidst all the tasks, there’s always time to solve the daily Wordle. Let’s dive into today’s puzzle.
The hint for today’s Wordle is “The very limit, the edge, beyond,” while the clue states that the word starts with vowels. Spoiler alert – the answer to today’s Wordle is “OUTER.” If you’re looking to analyze your guessing game, Wordle Bot can help track your progress. Although the author’s initial guesses of CRATE and RETRO were close, they ultimately ended up guessing VOTER instead of the correct answer. Despite not getting any points for guessing in four, the Bot managed to solve the puzzle in just three guesses.
In the competitive realm of Wordle, scoring is determined by the number of guesses it takes to solve the puzzle. Guessing in 1 earns 3 points, guessing in 2 is worth 2 points, and so on. Beating your opponent earns you 1 point, while a tie results in 0 points. Today’s Wordle, “OUTER,” has its etymology rooted in Old English, with the word “ūtera” being the comparative form of “ūt,” meaning “out.” The term has evolved over time to its current usage, emphasizing being further out or away compared to something else.
If you’re interested in more Wordle and Strands guides, as well as other entertainment content, be sure to check out the writer’s blog for daily updates. Whether you’re a casual player looking to improve or a competitive Wordle enthusiast, there’s something for everyone. So take a break from your Sunday routine and challenge yourself with today’s Wordle puzzle – who knows, you might just discover a new word or two along the way.