Mara Garcia, the Chief Financial Officer of Phonexa, a marketing solution company, faced a challenging decision when her husband’s duties in the Air Force required her to move across the country. Instead of leaving her job, she embarked on a remote leadership journey, steering the financial ship of the tech company from afar. With determination, effective communication, and internal innovation, Mara and her team not only made remote work successful but thrived in the new workflow.
Lessons learned from managing a team remotely include the importance of collaboration and finding a strong sense of purpose. By understanding the “why” behind their work and creating agile, collaborative environments, Mara’s team was able to stay focused and efficient despite the distance. Reliable processes and consistent communication also played a crucial role in ensuring the effectiveness of running the company’s finances seamlessly, turning their operations into a well-oiled machine that requires minimal supervision.
Maintaining connection with the team and fostering a positive team culture is essential for remote leadership. Through simple communication methods, weekly one-on-one meetings, and team outings when she’s in town, Mara ensures that her team members feel valued, connected, and appreciated. Crucial conversations, which involve high stakes, strong emotions, and differing opinions, are also key to addressing issues early on and building trust and reliability among team members.
Steering a finance team to success amid relocation and remote leadership requires a focus on collaboration, purpose, and effective communication. By fostering connections, embracing crucial conversations, and maintaining a balance of communication, Mara and her team have not only thrived but also transformed their remote work experience into a blueprint for success for teams of all sizes and missions. It’s important to consult with licensed professionals for advice concerning specific financial situations.