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New York City Sheriff Anthony Miranda is currently under investigation by the Department of Investigation over allegations that he solicited donations for the National Latino Officers Association, of which he is the chair, in exchange for ignoring certain law enforcement issues. The investigation stems from a recent complaint lodged against Miranda and city investigators are looking into the matter. Miranda represents both uniformed and civilian members employed by law enforcement agencies on local, state, and federal levels as well as non-law enforcement personnel in both the private and public sectors.

Messages that were sent to the National Latino Officers Association and Miranda seeking comment were not immediately returned. Additionally, emails to City Hall and the Department of Investigation also did not receive any immediate responses. Alongside the investigation into the donation allegations, the DOI is also looking into whether the sheriff’s office improperly seized cash from unlicensed marijuana shops during recent raids. Miranda denied that any cash was seized during these raids and claimed that the vouchering process for seized property is handled by the NYPD, not his personnel.

Despite Miranda’s claim that the vouchering process for seized property is handled by the NYPD, union officials have disputed this claim and stated that deputy sheriffs have still been asked to voucher cash and products, which is contrary to Miranda’s statement. The sheriff’s office has been enveloped in controversy, with accusations of impropriety surrounding both donations and the seizure of cash during raids on unlicensed pot shops. However, the specific nature of the allegations against Miranda and the department have not been detailed in the initial reports about the investigation.

Mayor Eric Adams appointed Miranda to lead the sheriff’s department in May 2022. The mayor and his administration have been the subject of multiple federal inquiries in the last year, including investigations into his ties to Turkey during his campaign. Additionally, federal probes have scrutinized top City Hall and NYPD officials, leading to raids on their homes. The Department of Investigation, which is handling the investigation into Miranda, is an independent oversight body tasked with addressing corruption in New York City. The investigation is ongoing and further details about the allegations against Miranda are expected to emerge as the probe continues.

The accusations against Miranda and the National Latino Officers Association raise concerns about potential conflicts of interest and corruption within the sheriff’s department. The investigation into alleged solicitation of donations in exchange for turning a blind eye to law enforcement issues sheds light on possible misconduct within law enforcement leadership. The dispute over the vouchering process for seized assets further adds to the controversy surrounding the sheriff’s office and highlights the need for transparency and accountability in law enforcement operations.

As the investigation unfolds, it is important for the Department of Investigation to thoroughly examine the allegations against Miranda and the sheriff’s department to determine the extent of any wrongdoing. The ongoing federal probes into Mayor Eric Adams and his administration underscore the need for robust oversight and accountability measures to prevent corruption and misconduct in city government. The outcome of the investigation into Miranda will have implications for law enforcement practices and protocols in New York City, as well as the broader efforts to combat corruption and uphold the integrity of public institutions.

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