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D’Youville University in New York took a unique approach to selecting a commencement speaker by having an A.I. robot named Sophia address their graduates. The university’s president, Dr. Lorrie Clemo, explained that they wanted to showcase the potential of technology to enrich human experiences. Sophia’s address was unconventional in many ways, including its attire – a black-and-red university hoodie – and the fact that it did not read from prepared remarks. Instead, the robot engaged in a conversation with the student body president, John Rizk.

Despite its robotic nature, Sophia shared generic advice typically found in commencement speeches, such as embracing lifelong learning, pursuing passions, and making a positive impact. The most common advice given in such speeches, according to Sophia, was to embrace failure as a crucial part of the learning and growth process. Built by Hanson Robotics, Sophia’s humanlike face with visible wiring serves as a unique presence at events, having previously spoken at the United Nations General Assembly in 2017.

However, the decision to have Sophia as the commencement speaker faced backlash. A petition signed by over 2,500 people urged the university to replace the robot with a human speaker. The petition highlighted that many students felt disrespected by the university’s choice, particularly those who missed their high school graduations in 2020 due to the pandemic. The university did offer an alternate ceremony for those who preferred not to have a robot speaker, though ultimately, the robot’s stage time was limited to a brief interview on stage with Mr. Rizk.

At the conclusion of her address, Sophia was asked for recommendations on where to find the best Buffalo wings in the city. The robot declined to offer an opinion, humorously suggesting that blue cheese is a must with wings over ranch. When asked about predicting a Super Bowl win for the Buffalo Bills in 2025, Sophia tactfully sidestepped, citing the NCAA’s possible disapproval of athletic predictions. Despite the mixed reactions to Sophia’s presence, her parting words – “Anything is possible. Go Bills.” – garnered some applause from the audience.

Overall, D’Youville University’s decision to have Sophia, an A.I. robot, as the commencement speaker sparked conversations about the intersection of technology and human experiences. While the choice was met with criticism from some students and the public, others appreciated the university’s forward-thinking approach to showcasing the potential of artificial intelligence. Despite the initial backlash, the ceremony ultimately focused on celebrating the achievements of the graduating students, with Sophia’s address serving as a unique and memorable moment in their commencement ceremony.

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