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Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the most senior liberal on the conservative Supreme Court, expressed her emotional reactions to court decisions during a talk at Harvard University. She admitted to sometimes crying after the court hands down its decisions and suggested that there may be more tears ahead, especially with high-profile cases on the docket, including former President Donald Trump’s claim of immunity and cases dealing with abortion. As the court nears the end of its term, Sotomayor did not disclose specific cases but acknowledged the emotional toll of the process.

Sotomayor has previously talked about her frustration with the court’s direction, stating that every loss truly traumatizes her. Despite the emotional challenges, she emphasized the importance of getting up the next morning and continuing to fight. While her remarks at previous events were generally upbeat, her comments at Harvard were more poignant and reflective, acknowledging moments of deep sadness and even desperation. She stressed the significance of acknowledging these feelings, shedding tears, and then continuing the fight.

As the Supreme Court approaches the end of its term, most opinions issued so far have been unanimous or non-ideological. This is typical as the court tends to handle less contentious issues first before addressing the more politically or legally contentious cases at the end of June. In recent terms, landmark decisions have split along ideological lines, including the overturning of Roe v. Wade, an expansion of gun rights, and the gutting of affirmative action policies. Sotomayor recently dissented in a redistricting case along conservative-liberal lines, upholding a pro-Republican congressional map in South Carolina.

Despite the challenges and emotionally charged nature of the court’s decisions, Sotomayor emphasized the importance of owning and accepting the feelings of sadness and desperation that arise. She encouraged individuals to shed tears, wipe them away, and continue the fight for justice. The final weeks of the Supreme Court term will see decisions on critical controversies, and Sotomayor’s emotional reflections shed light on the personal impact of these decisions on the justices and the country as a whole. As the court prepares to hand down its decisions, the emotional toll on the justices, especially those on the losing side, is palpable.

Sotomayor’s candid remarks on dealing with the emotional challenges of serving on the Supreme Court offer a glimpse into the personal struggles faced by justices as they navigate complex and high-stakes cases. The upcoming decisions on major controversies, including Trump’s immunity claim and abortion cases, will further test the justices and likely lead to emotional reactions on all sides. As the court works through its docket and approaches the end of term, Sotomayor’s words serve as a reminder of the human element behind the legal decisions that have far-reaching implications for the nation. The emotional toll of these decisions highlights the weight of the justices’ responsibilities and underscores the significance of their role in upholding justice and the rule of law.

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