This past weekend’s episode of Saturday Night Live featured a hilarious Beavis and Butthead sketch that had the cast struggling to keep a straight face. Host Ryan Gosling dressed up as Beavis, while Mikey Day played Butt-Head. The sketch took place during a fake NewsNation town hall with host Bobbi Moore (played by Heidi Gardner) and the guest professor Norman Henning (played by Kenan Thompson). As the interview began, the professor couldn’t help but point out the resemblance between a member of the audience and Beavis, causing Gardner to break character and laugh.
After Gosling moved seats, Day’s Butt-Head took his place, leading Gardner to once again crack up when she saw him. The sketch itself was amusing, but Gardner’s reaction stole the show and had a contagious effect on the rest of the cast. Despite the hilarity, the extras in the fake town hall managed to keep their composure, earning them praise for their professionalism.
If you’re in need of a good laugh, be sure to watch this weekend’s SNL sketch featuring Beavis and Butthead. The cast’s inability to keep a straight face adds an extra layer of humor to the skit. Gosing’s portrayal of Beavis and Day’s portrayal of Butt-Head, combined with Gardner’s infectious laughter, make for a memorable and enjoyable moment on the show. It’s a reminder that even as SNL’s golden age may be behind us, there are still moments of brilliance to be found.
What have you found funny lately? Share your thoughts on Twitter and Facebook. Also, don’t forget to check out our weekend streaming guide for some great content to enjoy. Whether it’s SNL sketches or other comedic gems, there’s always something out there to bring a smile to your face. So sit back, relax, and enjoy some laughter in your life.