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A diver in Indonesia shared images of a burning rash on their knee, which they believe was caused by fire coral, in a Reddit post. Maria Rosa, an associate professor of biology, explained that fire corals can cause a rash due to their stinging cells that release venom. This can lead to discomfort, welt, or skin lesions similar to jellyfish stings. Fire coral is known for its burning sensation, but the effects usually subside after a few weeks. Fire corals are not actual coral but a hydrozoa that can grow in sheet or tree-like forms, thriving in areas with optimal sunlight and water flow.

Fire corals have been around for millions of years and have evolved successfully to claim territory in shallow reefs. Marine biologist Peter Edmunds explained how fire corals adapt to stormy conditions by losing branches but retaining sheets, which help spread and grow in the water. Fire corals are commonly found on reef faces or edges, where there is a high current and sunlight available. Despite being called coral, fire corals are part of the cnidarians subgroup, which includes thousands of marine species. Fire corals may outcompete other corals as they continue to thrive and spread in reef environments.

The Reddit poster shared that the incident with the fire coral occurred when they were pushed by another diver while the water temperature was 86 degrees Fahrenheit. After diving for decades without touching coral, the poster experienced a burning rash for the first time. They sought medical treatment from a doctor who prescribed antibiotics to treat the infected area. Reddit users shared similar experiences of fire coral rashes, indicating the lasting and uncomfortable effects of such encounters. Stories of long-lasting rashes and persistent itching from fire coral incidents were shared, highlighting the potential long-term impact on divers.

The reaction to the images of the rash on Reddit sparked a discussion among users who shared their own encounters with fire coral and the lingering effects of such incidents. Suggestions for treatment, such as antibiotics and antiseptics, were offered to alleviate the discomfort caused by the rash. The differing experiences of individuals who have encountered fire coral illustrate the varying effects and severity of the reactions to this marine organism. Newsweek reached out to the original poster for further comment on their experience with fire coral. The prevalence of fire coral encounters highlights the importance of understanding and mitigating the risks associated with diving in tropical waters.

Newsweek’s commitment to challenging conventional wisdom and exploring connections through stories like the diver’s experience with fire coral underscores the magazine’s dedication to sharing unique and informative content with its audience. Travel-related stories, like the one shared by the diver on Reddit, offer insights into uncommon experiences that can help raise awareness about potential risks and precautions for individuals engaging in activities like diving. By sharing diverse perspectives and experiences, Newsweek aims to foster a greater understanding of the world around us and the challenges that individuals may face in their daily lives.

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