Shazi Visram, a serial entrepreneur, launched HealthyBaby after her son’s autism diagnosis to provide safe and non-toxic products for babies and toddlers. Filling a gap in the market, Visram disrupted the diaper industry with plant-based products verified by the Environmental Working Group. The company’s expansion into Target stores and innovative product additions have garnered attention from celebrity supporters and investors.
Prior to HealthyBaby, Visram founded Happy Family Organics, a leading organic baby food brand that she sold in 2013. Her son’s autism diagnosis in 2012 led to challenges in his development, prompting Visram to research and seek hope for his future. Motivated by her personal experiences, she launched HealthyBaby in 2021 to create products focused on building healthier futures for children in the U.S.
HealthyBaby offers a range of clean and non-toxic products, including diapers, wipes, skincare, and home cleaning products, to safeguard babies and toddlers from head to toe. The company prioritizes health and transparency, becoming the first diaper brand verified by the EWG. An expansion into Target stores in 2023 further solidified HealthyBaby’s position as a leader in safe and sustainable baby products.
Visram’s personal challenges, including her son’s autism diagnosis and her own health struggles, have fueled her resilience and motivated her “I do hard things” mentality. Despite facing obstacles, she is driven by a desire to improve people’s lives by offering better resources and knowledge. Her experience as a mother and entrepreneur has shaped her ability to overcome challenges and build successful companies.
With the support of her husband, Visram has navigated personal and professional challenges, including her own spinal surgery and her son’s autism journey. Her commitment to health and well-being is reflected in HealthyBaby’s mission, “where health comes first.” The company’s team, working in the innovative Nest hub, has rallied around this mission, supporting Visram’s vision for safe and sustainable baby products.
Visram’s journey as an entrepreneur and mother showcases the importance of resilience, support, and authenticity in facing life’s challenges. By embracing difficulty and striving to turn challenges into opportunities, she has built HealthyBaby as a brand that prioritizes health, transparency, and progress. Through her experiences, Visram continues to inspire others to navigate their own challenges with determination and a supportive network.