July brings the heat of summer and the codependent claws of Cancer season, with both Saturn and Neptune retrograding in Pisces, leading to existential crises and heavy responsibilities. Jupiter in Gemini encourages clear and true expression and connection. Astrologer Elise Wells highlights major themes for July, emphasizing the marriage of the real and fantastical, perception and poetry, and the constant movement of the earth.
Aries are blessed with double fire from the North Node and Chiron, allowing them to cauterize past wounds and move towards resolution. The Taurus individuals are urged to embrace surprises and sow fresh seeds for new growth. For Geminis, Jupiter expanding their communication skills opens the door to true dialogue and connection, as long as they listen as well as they speak.
Cancer’s season heralds unexpected gifts and growth, including falling in love with oneself and embracing vulnerability. Leos enjoy a harmonious alignment of Mercury and Venus, empowering them to use their dramatic flair to meet their needs and be truly sovereign. Virgos are encouraged to seek ancestral guidance to untie knots related to lost loves and self-soothing stories.
Libras are advised to engage in relationships that strengthen their individuality, forging bonds without losing themselves. Scorpios are urged to consider where they belong and become an integral part of a sustainable whole. Sagittarians should embrace deep conversations for transformation, while Capricorns find balance and curiosity in aligning themselves with Neptune’s influence.
Aquarians are urged to dig deep and look back for buried treasures that will fuel their future journey. Pisceans are encouraged to engage in structured healing during July to surrender and deep-dive into unexplored places in their psyche. Astrologer Reda Wigle provides horoscopes that blend history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience to inform each zodiac sign’s unique planetary configurations and their effects.