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Russian military bloggers are expressing panic following the arrest of Pavel Durov, the billionaire founder and CEO of the Telegram messaging app, at a Paris airport. Durov, a dual French and Russian citizen, was detained as part of an investigation alleging that Telegram has been used for criminal activities, including fraud, drug trafficking, and money laundering. This news has led to concerns about the future of communication within the Russian army, as Telegram is a crucial means of communication for military operations. Responding to the situation, Russian journalist Alexander Sladkov emphasized the need for creating a Russian military messenger as an alternative to Telegram.

The arrest of Durov has raised numerous challenges for the Russian military, as Telegram plays a significant role in their communications. Military bloggers like Alexei Sukonkin are highlighting the potential threat to military operations due to Durov’s arrest, calling it a tragedy. The Russian Telegram channel Rybar, founded by a former employee of Russia’s Defense Ministry, pointed out that Telegram has become a primary means of controlling units in the Ukraine conflict zone. The situation has prompted discussions about the need for changes in communication and control approaches within the Russian armed forces, with some questioning the readiness of the military to address such issues.

Russian newspapers are also focusing on the impact of Telegram’s potential collapse on military operations, raising concerns about how the army would function without the messaging platform. Speculations suggest that Telegram could be exploited as a tool by NATO, adding another layer of complexity to the situation. Despite the widespread panic among military and media sources, Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov declined to comment on Durov’s arrest, citing a lack of official information about the accusations against him. The uncertainty surrounding Durov’s arrest and its implications for military communications has led to a sense of unease within military circles.

The role of Telegram as a critical communication tool in the Russian military is now under scrutiny, with calls for the creation of alternative messenger platforms to ensure the security and effectiveness of communications. The arrest of Durov has exposed vulnerabilities in the reliance on a single platform for military communications, prompting a reassessment of communication strategies within the armed forces. The situation has highlighted the need for proactive measures to safeguard military communications against potential disruptions, emphasizing the importance of developing robust and secure communication channels for military operations in the future.

Overall, the arrest of Pavel Durov and the implications for Telegram’s role in Russian military communications have sparked concerns and calls for action within military circles. The incident has shed light on the risks associated with relying on a single platform for critical operations, prompting discussions about the need for diversification and innovation in military communication strategies. As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how Russian authorities and military officials will respond to the challenges posed by Durov’s arrest and its impact on military operations.

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