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Buckle up my babies, we’re in the throes of eclipse season where nothing is sacred and no one is safe.

On March 14, 2025, we’ll be under the skies and the influence of a total lunar Blood Moon eclipse in Virgo.

A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth casts its shadow completely over a full moon.

Why does the moon turn red during a lunar eclipse?

The reddish appearance of the lunar surface—the moon does not entirely disappear from view—is caused by rays of sunlight around the outer edge of the eclipse shadow, or umbra, being filtered and refracted as they pass through Earth’s atmosphere, casting the moon indirectly in a dim, coppery glow.

SunSofia, a psychic astrologer at Nebula tells The Post, “The total lunar eclipse on March 14, 2025, will occur at 23° Virgo, bringing practical and grounded energy to this celestial event. Virgo is associated with organization, health, service and attention to detail. This eclipse falls along the Virgo-Pisces axis, highlighting the tension between practicality and intuition, structure and fluidity. Our desire for perfection and order may clash with our need for surrender and creativity.”

In relationship to this polarity, Pisces mainlines inspiration and Virgo grounds idealism in the soil of pragmatism. Earth gives structure to the imagination of water, lending scaffolding to dreamscapes. This is the axis on which the practical and the poetic consort.

Virgo gets a bad rep for being the resident perfectionist of the zodiac but the sign’s true purpose is more in line with ritual purification, asking us to consider what can be pruned so that we might prosper. The ultimate lesson of Virgo is to integrate our mental, physical and spiritual energies into a single force for depth and growth.

March 14th Lunar Eclipse

Author Chuck Palahniuk, who consequently, and aptly has a Pisces sun and Virgo moon writes, “Only after disaster can we be resurrected. It’s only after you’ve lost everything that you’re free to do anything. Nothing is static, everything is evolving, everything is falling apart.”

While full moons are typically about illumination and competition, lunar eclipses signal a time of surrender, when we ride the wave, cut the cords of before and peer with fear and hope toward dark earth and new growth.

Lest we forget my friends, there is no richer fertilizer than fresh blood.

Blood Moon March 2025

SunSofia tells The Post, “Expect a period of introspection focused on work, personal wellness and organization. This eclipse encourages self-improvement, healing and a fresh start in structuring our lives. It’s an opportunity to clear away clutter – both physically and emotionally.”

Eclipses tend to trigger major revelations, breakups and breakthroughs. What at first may feel, to paraphrase Mary Oliver, like a box full of darkness will eventually be revealed as the kind of gift we would never ask for but ultimately need.

This eclipse will be visible across parts of the Americas, Europe and Africa. The arterial hue will remind us of the power of transformation and what can be gained from what has been lost.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

March 2025 Full Worm moon

The names for the full moons given in “The Old Farmer’s Almanac” are drawn from Native American, European and Colonial American traditions.

March’s full moon is known as the Worm Moon, believed to reference the earthworms that emerge as the soil warms, beckoning birds to feed and sing that spring has sprung.

However, the notebooks of Aries explorer and mapmaker Captain Jonathan Carver, who traveled extensively throughout the Midwestern Territories in the 18th century, suggest that the term was used by the Naudowessie (Dakota) to describe the worm-like beetle larvae that appear in the thawing bark of trees at this time of year.

In both instances, March’s full moon can be read as a point of revelation, new life, rich dirt and fresh form. Other names for March’s full moon include Sugar Moon, used by the Ojibwe to denote the time of year that sap begins to circulate in sugar maples and Sore Eyes Moon, used by the Lakota to describe the blinding rays of sun (and moon) light that reflect off the melting snow in late winter.

We’re all influenced by lunar cycles, but mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces will feel the fullness and the fallout of this eclipse most acutely. 

Rituals and practices for the lunar eclipse

Eclipses are no time to call in intentions or perform full moon rituals as eclipses themselves operate as valkyries, doing the work of brining about all by their damn selves.

On this amplified full moon, you are cordially invited to do nothing but stay hydrated, hopeful and indoors.

However, a few practices can prime you to receive the lessons of this lunation and keep the baddies at bay.

Ground yourself by walking barefoot in nature or gardening, allowing the work of the body to mirror the processes of the sky.

Practice stream of consciousness journaling. On or around the eclipse put ink to page and let it bleed. Just as the eclipse cannot be controlled, try to let the words come without hesitation, judgment or the need to make sense. Think of this as purge poetry.

If you feel anxious or energetically attacked, you can likewise purge through smoke cleansing or a salt bath or shower. As the water surrounds you, imagine all the negative energy in your body and auric field being emptied out and into the water. Let that s–t empty down the drain and see itself right out of your bright and beautiful life.

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

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