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In South Africa, the collapse of a multi-story apartment complex in the city of George has left dozens of construction workers missing. However, rescue teams have made contact with 11 people trapped beneath the rubble, one of whom was able to call his wife for help. Six workers have been confirmed dead, with fears that the death toll could rise. There are 37 individuals still unaccounted for, and 21 others were rescued from the site with severe injuries.

Colin Deiner, head of the provincial Western Cape disaster management services, stated that the search-and-rescue operation could take up to three days. The rescue teams are facing challenges due to the risk of further collapses while working with concrete breakers and drillers in close proximity to the trapped workers. It is crucial to provide medical assistance to those with compressed body parts. The rescue operation is ongoing, and efforts are focused on saving as many lives as possible.

Over 100 emergency service personnel have been working tirelessly using sniffer dogs, cranes, and heavy lifting equipment to locate and rescue trapped workers. Amidst the chaos, a critical moment in the rescue operation occurred when all machinery was shut off to listen for possible survivors. The discovered workers are receiving medical attention, and preparations are being made to remove additional layers of concrete to search for more survivors.

As investigations into the cause of the collapse begin, authorities remain focused on the rescue effort. Family and friends of the workers have gathered at the municipal offices for support, and more emergency responders have been brought in from surrounding areas to assist in the rescue operation. While a criminal case has been opened by the police, the priority remains on saving lives and providing support to those affected by the tragedy.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has expressed condolences to the families of the victims and called for thorough investigations into the cause of the collapse. The provincial government and the police will be conducting inquiries into the incident. The construction company responsible for the building site’s safety will also be under scrutiny. The situation remains tense as authorities work tirelessly to rescue trapped workers and determine the reasons behind the tragic collapse.

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