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House Republicans are introducing legislation to target voting by noncitizens as part of a broader effort to undermine confidence in election results and criticize immigrants participating in U.S. elections. They are advocating for a bill to repeal a Washington, D.C. law allowing noncitizen residents to vote in local elections, as well as measures requiring proof of citizenship during voter registration and the removal of noncitizens from voter rolls. While unlikely to pass the Democratic-led Senate or be signed by President Biden, these efforts aim to spotlight Republicans’ unverified claims of widespread illegal voting by noncitizens, echoing former President Trump’s allegations of fraud.

While some municipalities in the U.S., primarily in states such as Maryland, Vermont, and California, permit noncitizens to vote in local elections, the practice is subject to legal challenges. Only a fraction of eligible noncitizens actually register to vote, as evidenced by the low number of noncitizen voters in Washington, D.C. Despite the possibility of foreign nationals participating in local elections, federal election laws strictly prohibit noncitizens from voting in presidential or congressional races. Research shows that instances of noncitizen voting in federal elections are extremely rare, with studies indicating minimal occurrences in contrast to the exaggerated claims made by some House Republicans and election-deniers.

There is a stringent process in place to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of voter rolls for federal elections, with states implementing measures such as the Real ID Act to verify citizenship status before issuing official identification cards. Consequently, instances of noncitizens voting in federal elections are rare due to the rigorous screening processes and the severe consequences, including deportation, for those caught attempting to vote illegally. Immigrants, particularly undocumented individuals, have significant reasons to avoid registering to vote or participating in elections to evade potential legal repercussions and safeguard their residency status in the U.S.

Despite overwhelming evidence showing the rarity of illegal noncitizen voting in federal elections, some Republican lawmakers continue to promote false statistics suggesting high rates of foreign national voting based on flawed studies and cherry-picked data. Claims of widespread illegal voting by noncitizens are perpetuated by unreliable reports and misinformation, as highlighted by a recent House hearing where inaccurate estimates of noncitizen voting were referenced. Analysts debunk these inflated figures, demonstrating that the actual incidence of noncitizen voting in federal elections is negligible and often attributed to errors in survey responses rather than intentional illegal activity by foreign nationals.

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