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Republican lawmakers Sen. Tim Scott and Rep. Mike Lawler are leading an effort to push the Biden administration to censure Iran at the next International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) meeting due to its increased nuclear activities and to ensure that steps are taken to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. The resolution they plan to introduce also calls for referring the issue to the U.N. Security Council and reaffirming that all measures will be taken to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. The lawmakers argue that Iran’s destabilizing behavior has increased significantly over the past 18 months, including attacks on U.S. troops and allies, as well as an escalation in its nuclear activities.

The resolution condemns Iran’s obstruction of monitoring and verification activities by the IAEA and calls for sanctions on Iran’s nuclear and missile programs. Sen. Scott emphasizes that Iran is the greatest state sponsor of terror in the world and that there is no greater national security threat than a nuclear-armed Iran. The resolution stresses the need for a coordinated international response to address the threat posed by Iran’s nuclear program and calls on all nations to join the United States in taking decisive action to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and uphold nuclear non-proliferation standards in the Middle East and beyond. The resolution has garnered support from several Republican senators and representatives.

There are concerns about Iran’s lack of transparency regarding its nuclear program, with the head of the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog warning that Iran is not entirely transparent, particularly after an official announced that Iran has all the pieces for a nuclear weapon. Iran has been pursuing nuclear enrichment just below weapons-grade levels and has accumulated enough enriched uranium to build several weapons if it chooses. Critics of the Biden administration’s Iran policy argue that the strategy of de-escalation and containment targeting Iran’s atomic program has backfired, with Iran rapidly moving towards securing an operational nuclear weapon.

An intelligence agency report from Germany highlighted ongoing intensive procurement efforts by Iran in the country for its nuclear and missile programs, indicating that Iran is engaged in activities to bypass existing sanctions. These findings suggest that Iran is actively pursuing nuclear weapons capabilities. It is also noted that the U.S. has been criticized for ignoring Iran’s active nuclear weapons activities by using a “defective” definition, which could potentially downplay the seriousness of Iran’s nuclear ambitions. The Biden administration’s approach to Iran and its nuclear program continues to draw scrutiny and raise concerns among lawmakers and experts.

It is clear that Iran’s nuclear activities and ambitions represent a significant national security threat, with lawmakers and experts warning of the dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran. The resolution introduced by Sen. Scott and Rep. Lawler aims to address these concerns by calling for a strong international response to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. The resolution has garnered support from several lawmakers, demonstrating bipartisan concern over the need to confront Iran’s nuclear program. The Biden administration’s policies towards Iran are being criticized for potentially enabling Iran to advance its nuclear capabilities, raising questions about the effectiveness of current strategies in addressing the threat posed by Iran’s nuclear program.

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