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Apple is set to reveal two new iPad Pro tablets and two iPad Air models, with a new report claiming that the iPad Air will use miniLED backlighting technology similar to the current iPad Pro. This unexpected news is exciting as it promises a brighter, more vivid display for the iPad Air. The upcoming 12.9-inch iPad Air is expected to have a miniLED display, offering lower power consumption and improved image quality.

Ross Young of Display Supply Chain Consultants, a display expert, revealed this surprising development, which was subsequently picked up by 9to5Mac. The current iPad Pro’s miniLED display has received rave reviews for its exceptional brightness, deep contrast, and vivid colors. This change is expected to drive sales of the larger iPad Air model while keeping the price competitive by not including the technology in the smaller model.

The decision to only equip the larger iPad Air with miniLED technology may be a strategic move by Apple to differentiate between the iPad Pro and iPad Air models, especially if they are released on the same day. With reports suggesting price rises for the iPad Pro due to OLED screens, the miniLED technology in the iPad Air could provide a power-saving advantage and enhanced image quality, particularly with improved black levels.

The implementation of miniLED displays in the iPad Air is expected to result in power consumption savings and improved image quality compared to current LED displays. This technology also offers better blacks, potentially enhancing the overall viewing experience on the iPad Air. This move creates a non-pro pairing that provides an alternative to the 11- and 12.9-inch iPad Pro models, offering consumers a wider range of choices. The decision to use miniLED technology in the larger iPad Air model may create an imbalance between the two sizes of tablets, but this could be offset by the likely inclusion of OLED displays in both iPad Pro models.

Overall, the unexpected use of miniLED technology in the upcoming iPad Air models has generated excitement among consumers and experts alike. This move is expected to result in a brighter, more vibrant display with improved image quality and power efficiency. Apple’s strategic decision to offer miniLED technology in the larger iPad Air model may provide a compelling alternative to the iPad Pro models and help to drive sales for the company. As more details emerge about the upcoming iPad models, consumers can look forward to experiencing the latest advancements in display technology from Apple.

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