The popular Australian preschool show Bluey is making a return with two new standalone episodes featuring the Heeler family from Brisbane. The first episode, titled Ghostbasket, brings back the classic characters Janet and Rita, who are Bluey and Bingo’s granny alter egos. The second episode, The Sign, is the show’s longest yet at 28 minutes, featuring the Heeler family preparing for a wedding between Frisky and Uncle Radley. Fans can follow a guide on how to watch the new Bluey episodes and consider using a VPN for streaming.
Both new Bluey episodes, Ghostbasket and The Sign, will first air in Australia before becoming available in other parts of the world. Ghostbasket is set to premiere on ABC Kids and ABC iview in Australia on April 7, with The Sign releasing on April 14. The episodes will then be available on Disney Plus in the US, Canada, and the UK. The ABC iview service is free for residents in Australia and does not require a cable login, making it easily accessible for viewers.
In the US, UK, and Canada, viewers can watch the new Bluey episodes on Disney Plus. The service offers ad-free subscriptions at varying prices, with options to bundle multiple streaming platforms together. In the UK, Disney Plus Standard is priced at £8 per month, while Premium costs £11 per month. In Canada, a Disney Plus subscription ranges from CA$8 to CA$15 per month. Viewers can choose a standalone Disney Plus subscription or opt for a bundled package based on their preferences.
For viewers traveling abroad who want to watch the new Bluey episodes, using a VPN is a recommended solution. A VPN allows users to change their virtual location, providing access to streaming content from anywhere in the world. Additionally, a VPN can encrypt internet traffic, prevent speed throttling by ISPs, and enhance privacy and security while connected to public Wi-Fi networks. ExpressVPN is a top choice for VPN services, offering reliability and security for streaming content.
To watch Bluey episodes using a VPN, users should follow the provider’s installation instructions and select a country where Bluey is streaming on Disney Plus. It’s important to ensure the VPN is connected before opening the streaming app, and to configure multiple devices if needed. If any streaming issues arise, users should double-check their VPN connection, follow installation guidelines, and consider rebooting their device if necessary. It’s essential to have a valid subscription to the streaming service and abide by legal regulations regarding VPN usage.