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Mercury, the planet of communication and currency, is stationed direct this week, ending its period of retrograde motion. However, the effects of the retrograde can still be felt for up to two weeks afterward, during a period known as the shadow period or retroshade. In the current retroshade, which extends through September 11th, we may still experience some challenges related to communication and decision-making.

During Mercury retrograde, we often find ourselves reevaluating situations and relationships in our lives. Retroshade can bring clarity and finality to circumstances we may have been struggling with, allowing us to understand and integrate the lessons learned during the retrograde cycle. It is important during this time to take care of ourselves and prioritize rest and reflection to recharge and maintain a sense of peace and balance.

Productivity expert Avery Morgan shares four retroshade survival tips to help navigate this reflective period. She suggests embracing a slower pace, saying ‘no’ to tasks or events that feel depleting, and focusing on self-care and introspection. Embracing JOMO, the joy of missing out, can also help prioritize what truly adds value to our lives and conserve our energy for things that matter most.

Morgan recommends creating sacred time for yourself each day, setting aside an hour for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Consistency in this practice can help prevent burnout and maintain mental and emotional well-being. Making socialization soulful by prioritizing meaningful connections with people who uplift and energize you can also be beneficial post-retrograde, fostering deeper conversations and nourishing relationships.

Astrologer Reda Wigle provides insights into the astrological influence of Mercury retrograde on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience to offer guidance and perspective on how individuals may be affected by planetary configurations. By understanding these influences, individuals can navigate challenges and opportunities during retrograde periods and retroshade with a greater sense of awareness and insight.

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