Actress Raven-Symoné defended her wife, Miranda Pearman-Maday, against online harassment, including death threats. Symoné and Pearman-Maday shared a video on TikTok addressing the backlash and asking people to stop spreading misinformation and threats. Pearman-Maday clarified that she did not grow up watching Symoné’s show “That’s So Raven” but has since watched much of her wife’s work and is a fan. She also praised Symoné’s talent and asked people to understand that celebrities are real people with real lives.
The couple’s video message was a response to the hate and negativity that Pearman-Maday received after appearing on a podcast where she mentioned she did not watch “That’s So Raven” growing up. She faced backlash for this comment, with people being upset that she did not appreciate her wife’s work from the past. Symoné and Pearman-Maday have been together for five years and got married in June 2020 in a surprise ceremony. Symoné expressed her love for her wife in an Instagram post, highlighting the connection and understanding they share.
Pearman-Maday expressed frustration with the harassment she has faced, particularly from those spreading false information and making death threats. She emphasized that there is more to celebrities than what is seen on screen and that she has a real relationship with Symoné outside of the public eye. Symoné supported her wife in the video, calling out those who were harassing Pearman-Maday online and asking them to stop. The couple’s message was a plea for respect and understanding, urging people to recognize the human aspect behind celebrities.
Symoné and Pearman-Maday’s video message was an attempt to address the issues of online harassment, misinformation, and hate that Pearman-Maday has been dealing with. The couple stood up together to defend their relationship and ask for respect from those who were attacking them. By sharing their personal experiences and feelings, Symoné and Pearman-Maday aimed to raise awareness about the impact of online negativity and the need for understanding and empathy towards others. Their message emphasized the importance of treating others with kindness and respect, regardless of their public persona.
The controversy surrounding Pearman-Maday’s comments about not watching “That’s So Raven” turned into a larger issue of online harassment and threats directed towards her. The couple’s response was a call for decency and compassion in the online world, where hate and toxicity can easily spread. Symoné and Pearman-Maday’s decision to speak out against the harassment they were facing showed their strength as a couple and their commitment to standing up for each other. Their message highlighted the need for increased awareness and responsibility in online interactions, promoting a culture of kindness and understanding.